5.2 Controlling Device States

The following table shows different device states and their power consumption for the ATWILC3000-MR110xA. The device states can be switched using the following:

  • CHIP_EN – Module pin (pin 19) enables or disables the DC/DC converter
  • VDDIO – I/O supply voltage from external supply

In the ON states, VDDIO is ON and CHIP_EN is high (at VDDIO voltage level). To change from the ON states to Power_Down state, connect the RESETN and CHIP_EN pin to logic low (GND) by following the power-down sequence mentioned in Figure 5-1. When VDDIO is OFF and CHIP_EN is low, the chip is powered off with no leakage.

Table 5-1. Device States Current Consumption
Device StateCode RateOutput Power (dBm)Current Consumption(1)
ON_WiFi_Transmit802.11b 1 Mbps17.0272 mA23.9 mA
802.11b 11 Mbps18.5269 mA23.9 mA
802.11g 6 Mbps17.5281 mA23.9 mA
802.11g 54 Mbps16.0234 mA23.9 mA
802.11n MCS 017.0280 mA23.9 mA
802.11n MCS 713.0229 mA23.9 mA
ON_WiFi_Receive802.11b 1 MbpsN/A60.5 mA23.6 mA
802.11b 11 MbpsN/A60.5 mA23.6 mA
802.11g 6 MbpsN/A60.5 mA23.6 mA
802.11g 54 MbpsN/A60.5 mA23.6 mA
802.11n MCS 0N/A60.5 mA23.6 mA
802.11n MCS 7N/A60.5 mA23.6 mA
ON_BT_TransmitBLE 1 Mbps1.598.6 mA

2.5 mA

ON_BT_ReceiveBLE 1 MbpsN/A69.1 mA2.5 mA
Doze (Bluetooth Low Energy Low Power)N/AN/A1.4 mA (2)
Power_DownN/AN/A1.25 µA(2)
  1. Conditions: VBAT = 3.3V, VDDIO = 3.3V, at 25°C.
  2. The current consumption mentioned for these states is the sum of the current consumed in the VDDIO and VBAT voltage rails.

When power is not supplied to the device (DC/DC converter output and VDDIO are OFF, at ground potential), voltage cannot be applied to the ATWILC3000-MR110xA module pins because each pin contains an ESD diode from the pin to supply. This diode turns on when voltage higher than one diode-drop is supplied to the pin.

If voltage must be applied to the signal pads when the chip is in a low-power state, the VDDIO supply must be ON, so the Power_Down state must be used. Similarly, to prevent the pin-to-ground diode from turning ON, do not apply voltage that is more than one diode-drop below the ground to any pin.