25.10.2 Channel Control B Register

Note: An attempt to enter a priority higher than the maximum value implemented will write that maximum value instead.
Table 25-16. Register Bit Attribute Legend
RReadable bitHCCleared by Hardware(Grey cell)Unimplemented
WWritable bitHSSet by HardwareXBit is unknown at Reset
KWrite to clearSSoftware settable bit
Offset: 0x54 + k*0x50 [k=0..15]
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: PAC Write-Protection, CHCTRLAk.ENABLE =1 write protect

Bit 3130292827262524 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 00000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
 BYTORD[1:0]WBOEN   PR[1:0] 
Reset 00000 
Bit 76543210 
  RAS[2:0] WAS[2:0] 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 

Bit 31 – CRCEN CRC Enable Bit

0CRC module is disabled for this channel and transfers bypass the CRC module
1CRC module is enabled for this channel and transfers are routed through the CRC module

Bit 29 – CASTEN Cell Auto Start Enable of Ensuing Transfers for this channel.

0The start of each cell transfer in a block transfer will be delayed until requested by a start trigger.
1Transfer a complete block of data on a single start trigger event. The first cell transfer will be delayed until requested by an start trigger. Once started it will continue processing additional cells continuously without any additional starting event until a block is finished.

Bit 26 – PATEN Channel Pattern Match Abort Enable

0Pattern match is disabled
1Abort transfer and clear CHCTRLAk.ENABLE on pattern match

Bit 25 – PATLEN Pattern Match Length

01 byte length
12 byte length

Bit 24 – PIGNEN Enable Pattern Ignore Byte

0Disable this feature.
1Treat any byte that matches PIGN bits as a don’t care when pattern matching is enabled.

Bits 23:16 – TRIG[7:0] Trigger that can Start a Channel Transfer

If programed to a value greater than the maximum trigger index listed in Table 20-1, all external triggers are disabled. Only software triggering is available.

k= Peripheral request connected, where k is a value from 2 to 90

0External events disabled, only software trigger can start a transfer.
1Event system trigger (evsys_dma_chstrt_evt[k]) ifk< 24 otherwise reserved

Bits 15:14 – BYTORD[1:0] Byte Order

Byte swapping takes place prior to sending data into the destination.

11Bytes Swapped as: 3→2 / 2→3 / 1→0 / 0→1
10Bytes Swapped as: 3→1 / 2→0 / 1→3 / 0→2
01Bytes Swapped as: 3→0 / 2→1 / 1→2 / 0→3

Bit 13 – WBOEN Write Byte Order Enable

0Write source data unchanged.
1Write out data according to BYTORD[1:0].

Bits 9:8 – PR[1:0] Channel Priority Level

Sets the priority level of the channel. Reading back this value returns the current priority level of the channel. If EVAUXACT=1, hardware may adjust the priority level.

11Channel has priority 4 (highest)
10Channel has priority 3
01Channel has priority 2
00Channel has priority 1

Bits 6:4 – RAS[2:0] Channel Read Address Sequence

Sets the read address and transfer size.

101Fixed address word (32-bit) burst transfer
100Fixed address of halfword (16-bit) operand (single half-word aligned address)
011Fixed byte address (single byte address with enable based upon 2 LSBs)
010Auto increment address and transfer size.
001Incrementing address +2 with transfers of halfword operands
000Incrementing address +1 with transfers of byte operands

Bits 2:0 – WAS[2:0] Channel Write Address Sequence

101Fixed address word (32-bit) burst transfer
100Fixed address of halfword (16-bit) operand (single half-word aligned address)
011Fixed byte address (single byte address with enable based upon 2 LSBs)
010Auto increment address and transfer size.
001Incrementing address +2 with transfers of halfword operands
000Incrementing address +1 with transfers of byte operands