14.1 User Action
This document explains the code edits needed after a user generates a code using MPLAB Code Configurator.
Developers are required to call API - app_idle_task() in vApplicationIdleHook(). This is required to enable periodic Persistent Data Storage, RF calibration. Persistant Data Storage provides means for storing data in non-volatile memory(Flash). User application and stack parameters like peer connection etc are saved. IDLE task is set to execute at the lowest priority in FreeRtos.
- Users are prompted to call app_idle_task() and app_idle_updateRtcCnt(RTC_Timer32CounterGet()) when they compile/build the project with a compile error.
Action required to be taken
users are required to open freertos_hooks.c file and add #include "definitions.h"
Users are required to open freertos_hooks.c file and add API app_idle_task()
Users are required to comment out #error in app_user_edits.c file
Initiate build and user will be able to build successfully
Additional User Action when Low Power is Enabled

Users are required to open
file and add API app_idle_updateRtcCnt(RTC_Timer32CounterGet())