3.2.5 PIOs

The following sections depict all the signals connected to the SAM9X60D1G MPU ports.

See Table 3-1 for details about each port’s functions.

Figure 3-7. Processor PIOs PA and PC
Figure 3-8. Processor PIOs PB and PD

Some of the ports were multiplexed to accommodate more devices on the evaluation kit and to showcase all the functions the SAM9X60D1G MPU can address off a single PIO wire.

Most of the ports that share multiple functions are split through passive resistors placed on the board as close to the MPU as possible, therefore no other hardware change must be made. In most cases, the user can use only one of their functions at a time, or can develop a composite driver enabling the use of multiple functions at the same time.

Figure 3-9. Processor PIO Muxing
Table 3-1. Processor PIOs Pin Assignment and Signal Description
Pad Power Rail Function I/O Type
PA0 VDD_3V3 MBUS_TWD TWI Data (TWD) bidirectional line shared between the mikroBUS, EEPROMs and external 40-pin connector
PA1 VDD_3V3 MBUS_TWCK TWI Clock (TWCK) output line shared between the mikroBUS, EEPROMs and external 40-pin connector
PA2 VDD_3V3 SDMMC1_DAT1 Data 1 bidirectional line going to the SD card connector
PA3 VDD_3V3 SDMMC1_DAT2 Data 2 bidirectional line going to the SD card connector
PA4 VDD_3V3 SDMMC1_DAT3 Data 3 bidirectional line going to the SD card connector
PA5 VDD_3V3 CAN1_TX CAN Transmit output line going to the second CAN transceiver MCP2542
PA6 VDD_3V3 CAN1_RX CAN Receive input line going to the second CAN transceiver MCP2542
PA7 VDD_3V3 RPI_NPCS0 SPI Chip Select 0 output line for the external 40-pin connector
PA8 VDD_3V3 MBUS_NPCS SPI Chip Select 0 output line for the mikroBUS connector
VDD_3V3 RPI_NPCS1 SPI Chip Select 1 output line for the external 40-pin connector
PA9 VDD_3V3 DBGU_RX DEBUG UART Receive (DRX) input line
VDD_3V3 CAN0_RX CAN Receive input line going to the first CAN transceiver MCP2542
PA10 VDD_3V3 DBGU_TX DEBUG UART Transmit (DTX) output line
VDD_3V3 CAN0_TX CAN Transmit output line going to the first CAN transceiver MCP2542
PA11 VDD_3V3 SDMMC1_DAT0 Data 0 bidirectional line going to the SD card connector
PA12 VDD_3V3 SDMMC1_CMD Command (CMD) bidirectional line going to the SD card connector
PA13 VDD_3V3 SDMMC1_CK Clock (CLK) output line going to the SD card connector
PA14 VDD_3V3 SDMMC1_WP Write protect (WP) input line going to the SD card connector
PA15 VDD_3V3 SDMMC0_DAT0 Data 0 bidirectional line going to the μSD card connector
PA16 VDD_3V3 SDMMC0_CMD Command (CMD) bidirectional line going to the μSD card connector
PA17 VDD_3V3 SDMMC0_CK Clock (CLK) output line going to the μSD card connector
PA18 VDD_3V3 SDMMC0_DAT1 Data 1 bidirectional line going to the μSD card connector
PA19 VDD_3V3 SDMMC0_DAT2 Data 2 bidirectional line going to the μSD card connector
PA20 VDD_3V3 SDMMC0_DAT3 Data 3 bidirectional line going to the μSD card connector
PA21 VDD_3V3 MBUS_MISO SPI Host Input Client Output (MISO) input line shared between the mikroBUS and external 40-pin connectors
PA22 VDD_3V3 MBUS_MOSI SPI Host Output Client Input (MOSI) output line shared between the mikroBUS and external 40-pin connectors
PA23 VDD_3V3 MBUS_SCLK SPI Clock (SCLK) output line shared between the mikroBUS and external 40-pin connectors
PA24 VDD_3V3 RPI_GPIO1 GPIO going to the external 40-pin connector
PA25 VDD_3V3 SDMMC0_CD Card Detect input line going to the μSD card connector
PA26 VDD_3V3 USBB_OVCUR USBB over current flag input
VDD_3V3 RPI_GPIO17 GPIO going to the external 40-pin connector
VDD_3V3 RPI_GPIO27 GPIO going to the external 40-pin connector
PA28 VDD_3V3 USBC_OVCUR USBC over current flag input
VDD_3V3 RPI_GPIO22 GPIO going to the external 40-pin connector
PA29 VDD_3V3 USER_BUTTON GPIO used as input to probe the changes of the user button
VDD_3V3 RPI_GPIO24 GPIO going to the external 40-pin connector
PA30 VDD_3V3 LCD_TWD TWI Data (TWD) bidirectional line going to the LCD connector
PA31 VDD_3V3 LCD_TWCK TWI Clock (TWCK) output line going to the LCD connector
PB0 VDD_3V3 ETH0_RX0 RMII Ethernet Receive Data 0 signal going to KSZ8081
PB1 VDD_3V3 ETH0_RX1 RMII Ethernet Receive Data 1 signal going to KSZ8081
PB2 VDD_3V3 ETH0_RXER RMII Ethernet Receive Error signal going to KSZ8081
PB3 VDD_3V3 ETH0_RXDV RMII Ethernet Receive Data Valid signal going to KSZ8081
PB4 VDD_3V3 ETH0_TXCK RMII Ethernet Transmit Clock signal going to KSZ8081
PB5 VDD_3V3 ETH0_MDIO RMII Ethernet Management Data I/O signal going to KSZ8081
PB6 VDD_3V3 ETH0_MDC RMII Ethernet Management Data Clock signal going to KSZ8081
PB7 VDD_3V3 ETH0_TXEN RMII Ethernet Transmit Enable signal going to KSZ8081
PB8 VDD_3V3 ETH0_IRQ RMII Ethernet Interrupt Request signal going to KSZ8081
PB9 VDD_3V3 ETH0_TX0 RMII Ethernet Transmit Data 0 signal going to KSZ8081
PB10 VDD_3V3 ETH0_TX1 RMII Ethernet Transmit Data 1 signal going to KSZ8081
PB11 VDD_3V3 RPI_GPIO5/CLK1 GPIO going to the external 40-pin connector / Clock 1
PB12 VDD_3V3 RPI_PWM0 PWM0 signal output line going to the external 40-pin connector
PB13 VDD_3V3 MBUS_PWM PWM signal output line going to the mikroBUS connector
PB14 VDD_3V3 MBUS_AN Analog input from the mikroBUS connector
VDD_3V3 RPI_GPIO13 GPIO going to the external 40-pin connector
PB15 VDD_3V3 MCP16501_LPM MCP16501 Low Power Mode selection output
PB16 VDD_3V3 ETH0_NRST RMII Ethernet Reset signal going to KSZ8081
PB17 VDD_3V3 CAN1_STBY GPIO used as output to place the second CAN transceivers in or out of standby
PB18 VDD_3V3 MBUS_INT GPIO input used to signal any interrupt request from the mikroBUS connector
PB19 VDD_3V3 RPI_I2SCK I2S Clock signal going to the external 40-pin connector
PB20 VDD_3V3 RPI_I2SWS I2S Word Select signal going to the external 40-pin connector
PB21 VDD_3V3 RPI_I2SDIN I2S Data IN signal going to the external 40-pin connector
PB22 VDD_3V3 RPI_I2SDOUT I2S Data Out signal going to the external 40-pin connector
PB23 VDD_3V3 RPI_I2SMCK I2S Host Clock signal going to the external 40-pin connector
PB24 VDD_3V3 RPI_GPIO26 GPIO signal going to the external 40-pin connector
PB25 VDD_3V3 MPU_NRSTOUT Output signal used to reset all the devices on the board
PC0 VDD_3V3 MBUS_TX UART Transmit (TX) output line going to the mikroBUS connector
PC1 VDD_3V3 MBUS_RX UART Receive (RX) input line going to the mikroBUS connector
PC2 VDD_3V3 LCD_D2 LCD Data Output 2 (DAT2) signal going to the LCD connector
PC3 VDD_3V3 LCD_D3 LCD Data Output 3 (DAT3) signal going to the LCD connector
PC4 VDD_3V3 LCD_D4 LCD Data Output 4 (DAT4) signal going to the LCD connector
PC5 VDD_3V3 LCD_D5 LCD Data Output 5 (DAT5) signal going to the LCD connector
PC6 VDD_3V3 LCD_D6 LCD Data Output 6 (DAT6) signal going to the LCD connector
PC7 VDD_3V3 LCD_D7 LCD Data Output 7 (DAT7) signal going to the LCD connector
PC8 VDD_3V3 SDMMC1_CD Card Detect signal going to the SD card connector
VDD_3V3 RPI_GPIO23 GPIO going to the external 40-pin connector
PC9 VDD_3V3 CAN0_STBY GPIO used as output to place the first CAN transceivers in or out of standby
VDD_3V3 RPI_GPIO6 GPIO going to the external 40-pin connector
PC10 VDD_3V3 LCD_D10 LCD Data Output 10 (DAT10) signal going to the LCD connector
PC11 VDD_3V3 LCD_D11 LCD Data Output 11 (DAT11) signal going to the LCD connector
PC12 VDD_3V3 LCD_D12 LCD Data Output 12 (DAT12) signal going to the LCD connector
PC13 VDD_3V3 LCD_D13 LCD Data Output 13 (DAT13) signal going to the LCD connector
PC14 VDD_3V3 LCD_D14 LCD Data Output 14 (DAT14) signal going to the LCD connector
PC15 VDD_3V3 LCD_D15 LCD Data Output 15 (DAT15) signal going to the LCD connector
PC16 VDD_3V3 RPI_TX UART Transmit output line going to the external 40-pin connector
PC17 VDD_3V3 RPI_RX UART Receive input line going to the external 40-pin connector
PC18 VDD_3V3 LCD_D18 LCD Data Output 18 (DAT18) signal going to the LCD connector
PC19 VDD_3V3 LCD_D19 LCD Data Output 19 (DAT19) signal going to the LCD connector
PC20 VDD_3V3 LCD_D20 LCD Data Output 20 (DAT20) signal going to the LCD connector
PC21 VDD_3V3 LCD_D21 LCD Data Output 21 (DAT21) signal going to the LCD connector
PC22 VDD_3V3 LCD_D22 LCD Data Output 22 (DAT22) signal going to the LCD connector
PC23 VDD_3V3 LCD_D23 LCD Data Output 23 (DAT23) signal going to the LCD connector
PC24 VDD_3V3 LCD_DISP LCD Display ON/OFF output signal going to the LCD connector
PC25 VDD_3V3 LCD_IRQ1 LCD maXTouch interrupt line
PC26 VDD_3V3 LCD_PWM LCD PWM for Contrast Control output signal going to the LCD connector
PC27 VDD_3V3 LCD_VSYNC LCD Vertical Synchronization output signal going to the LCD connector
PC28 VDD_3V3 LCD_HSYNC LCD Horizontal Synchronization output signal going to the LCD connector
PC29 VDD_3V3 LCD_DEN LCD Data Enable output signal going to the LCD connector
PC30 VDD_3V3 LCD_PCK LCD Pixel Clock output signal going to the LCD connector
PC31 VDD_3V3 LCD_IRQ2 LCD Interrupt line for other I2C devices
PD0 VDD_3V3 NAND_RE NAND Flash Read Enable (RE) output signal going to MX30LF4G28AD-XKI
PD1 VDD_3V3 NAND_WE NAND Flash Write Enable (OE) output signal going to MX30LF4G28AD-XKI
PD2 VDD_3V3 NAND_ALE NAND Flash Address Latch Enable (ALE) output signal going to MX30LF4G28AD-XKI
PD3 VDD_3V3 NAND_CLE NAND Flash Command Latch Enable (CLE) output signal going to MX30LF4G28AD-XKI
PD4 VDD_3V3 NAND_NCS NAND Flash Chip Select (CS) output signal going to MX30LF4G28AD-XKI
PD5 VDD_3V3 NAND_RDY NAND Flash Ready/Busy (R/B#) input signal coming from MX30LF4G28AD-XKI
PD6 VDD_3V3 NAND_D0 NAND Flash Data 0 (D0) bidirectional signal going to MX30LF4G28AD-XKI
PD7 VDD_3V3 NAND_D1 NAND Flash Data 1 (D1) bidirectional signal going to MX30LF4G28AD-XKI
PD8 VDD_3V3 NAND_D2 NAND Flash Data 2 (D2) bidirectional signal going to MX30LF4G28AD-XKI
PD9 VDD_3V3 NAND_D3 NAND Flash Data 3 (D3) bidirectional signal going to MX30LF4G28AD-XKI
PD10 VDD_3V3 NAND_D4 NAND Flash Data 4 (D4) bidirectional signal going to MX30LF4G28AD-XKI
PD11 VDD_3V3 NAND_D5 NAND Flash Data 5 (D5) bidirectional signal going to MX30LF4G28AD-XKI
PD12 VDD_3V3 NAND_D6 NAND Flash Data 6 (D6) bidirectional signal going to MX30LF4G28AD-XKI
PD13 VDD_3V3 NAND_D7 NAND Flash Data 7 (D7) bidirectional signal going to MX30LF4G28AD-XKI
PD14 VDD_3V3 LCD_ID ID LCD module
PD15 VDD_3V3 USBC_EN Power delivery enable signal for USBC host interface
PD16 VDD_3V3 MBUS_NRST Reset signal for the mikroBUS connector
VDD_3V3 RPI_GPIO16 GPIO going to the external 40-pin connector
PD18 VDD_3V3 USBB_EN Power delivery enable signal for USBB host interface
VDD_3V3 RPI_GPIO0 GPIO going to the external 40-pin connector
PD20 VDD_3V3 RPI_GPIO25 GPIO going to the external 40-pin connector