19.1 Installing the maxView Plugin for vSphere 8 HTML5 Client

Follow the instructions in this section to install the maxView vSphere 8 Plugin HTML5 on a vCenter Server Appliance.

VMware ESXi 7/VMware ESXi 8, and vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) 8 versions are required to be running on the machine before proceeding with the installation steps.
  1. Create an ESXi setup and mount the VCSA.iso file on a machine.
  2. Navigate to the following directory on the mounted file: \vcsa-ui-installer\win32\installer.exe.
  3. Double-click on the installer and follow the instructions to create a virtual machine in the ESXi machine with the VMware Photon OS.
  4. Perform the following steps to install the maxView vSphere plugin:
    • Copy maxview-plugin-1.0.0.jar and maxview_plugin_Installation.sh to vCenter Server
    • Run the maxview_plugin_Installation.sh from the same location and provide the following information:
      • vCenter Server GUID: To retrieve vCenter Server GUID, perform the following steps:
        1. Login to vCenter Server appliance.
        2. Navigate to the inventory and copy the GUID from the URL. See the following figure to retrieve vCenter Server GUID from the URL:

      • vCenter Server FQDN: IP address of the vCenter Server Appliance
      • vCenter Server Thumbprint: The vCenter Server Appliance SHA1 Thumbprint. See Retrieve SHA1 Thumbprint to retrieve SHA1 Thumbprint.
  5. Execute the following steps to install the maxView vSphere plugin.
    1. Navigate to \html-client-sdk\tools\vCenter plugin registration\prebuilt\ location that contains the plugin registration script.
    2. Run the following command to register the plugin from the Windows machine
      extension-registration.bat -action registerPlugin -remote -url https:// IP_Address /sdk -username Username -password Password --vcenterServerThumbprint vcenterServerThumbprint -key com.mchp.maxview.maxviewvsphere -version 1.0.0
      -pluginUrl https:// IP_Address:8443/maxView-ui/plugin.json -serverThumbprint ServerThumbprint -c "2023 Microchip Technology Inc." -n "maxView Remote Plugin" -s "This is maxView Remote Plugin"
      Note: For more detail on the commands, check with VMware.
      • IP_Address is the IP address of the vCenter Server Appliance

      • Username is the username of the vCenter Server Appliance

      • Password is the password of the vCenter Server Appliance

      • vcenterServerThumbprint is the vCenter Server Appliance SHA1 Thumbprint
        Note: ServerThumbprint is the SHA256 Thumbprint of https:// IP_Address:8443/maxView-ui/plugin.json.
    3. Run the following command to de-register the plugin from Windows machine.
      extension-registration.bat -action unregisterPlugin
      --key com.pmc.maxview.maxviewvsphere -url https://IP_ADDRESS /sdk
      --username Username --vcenterServerThumbprint
      Note: For more detail on the commands, check with VMware.
      • IP_Address is the IP address of the vCenter Server Appliance

      • Username is the username of the vCenter Server Appliance

      • Password is the password of the vCenter Server Appliance

      • vcenterServerThumbprint is the vCenter Server Appliance SHA1 Thumbprint

      Once the maxView vSphere plugin is registered, the maxView icon is displayed in shortcut of vCenter Server Appliance (https://VCSA_IP/ui/app/shortcuts).

  6. Click on the maxView icon to list the ESXi systems added.
    Note: Initially, none of the system are added.
  7. Click on Add system to add the ESXi systems.
  8. Add the firewall entry by using URL: https://VCSA_IP: 5480. Click on the firewall and add the entry.
    Note: Replace VCSA_IP with the user installed vCenter Server Appliance IP address.
    Note: The configuration or events are not delivered, if the firewall is not added.