12.7 Erasing a Disk Drive

You can use maxView Storage Manager to securely erase existing data on any disk drive or SSD in the Ready state. Secure erase completely destroys the data on the drive; the data is completely and irretrievably eradicated.

Optionally, you can choose the erase pattern.

To securely erase a disk drive or SSD:

  1. In the Enterprise View, select a controller then, in the Physical Devices tree, select the drive you want to erase.
  2. On the ribbon, in the Physical Device group, click Secure Erase.
    The Secure Erase Physical Device window opens.
  3. From the drop-down list, select the erase pattern:
    • Zero (default)—Initializes all blocks to zero.
    • Random Zero—Initializes block to random value then zero.
    • Random Random Zero—Initializes block to random value, next block to random value, then zero.
    • Sanitize Overwrite—(HDD only) Fills every physical sector of the drive with a pattern.

    • Sanitize Block Erase—(SSD only) Sets the blocks on the drive to a vendor-specific value, removing all data. It provides a very fast, complete, and robust erasure of the solid state device.

    • Sanitize Crypto Scramble— Changes the internal encryption keys that are used for data, making the data irretrievable. This option is available for HDD and SSD devices when supported by the device.

  4. Click Erase to erase the drive.