7.11 Changing the Logical Drive Rebuild Priority

The Rebuild Priority setting determines the urgency with which the controller treats an internal command to rebuild a failed logical drive:

  • At the low setting, normal system operations take priority over a rebuild.
  • At the medium setting, normal system operations and rebuilds get equal priority.
  • At the medium high setting, rebuilds get higher priority than normal system operations.
  • At the high setting, rebuilds take precedence over all other system operations.

If the logical drive is part of an array with an online spare, rebuilding begins automatically when drive failure occurs. If the array does not have an online spare, rebuilding begins when the failed physical drive is replaced. For more information, see 15.4 Rebuilding Logical Drives.

To change the rebuild priority:

  1. In the Enterprise View, select a controller.
  2. On the ribbon, in the Controller group, click Set Properties.

    The Set Properties window opens.

  3. In Rebuild Priority Mode drop-down list, select Low, Medium, Medium High, or High.
  4. Click OK.