14.1.2 Duplicating the Server Template

When you are ready to duplicate the server template on other systems in your storage space, you can restore the configuration from the server template file.

Keep in mind that:

  • The server template file (default, ControllerConf.xml) is editable. For example, you may need to change the disk drive capacity or logical drive size to accommodate the differences on each machine.
  • Drives from the same vendor with slightly different capacities (147 GB vs. 150 GB, for instance) are considered interchangeable. If the logical drive capacity changes as a result of the size difference, it is scaled accordingly. For example, if the new drives have 4% more capacity due to vendor or model changes, then all logical drives are increased in size by 4%.

To duplicate the server template on another system:

  1. In the Enterprise View, select a system.
  2. On the ribbon, in the System group, click Manage Configuration.

    The Manage Configuration wizard opens.

  3. Select Restore Configuration, then click Next.
  4. In the Configuration File panel, click Choose, navigate the file system to your server template file, then click Open. When the file name appears in the "selected file" area, click Upload, wait for the upload to complete, then click Next.
  5. In the Restore Options panel, choose a Force option if a controller does not support all of the features of the template controller, or if the drive capacity on the new system does not match the configuration in the server template file. The default is Force None. You can choose to:
    Force All To force deployment of all features
    Force Size To force deployment of just the logical drives
  6. To apply the configuration based on SlotID rather than DeviceID, click the Slot ID check box.
  7. Click Next, review the summary information, then click Finish.
    maxView Storage Manager duplicates the system configuration on the new controller.