7.8.2 Re-mirroring, Rolling Back, or Reactivating a Split Mirror Backup

When you re-mirror a split mirrored array, you recombine the primary array and backup array into a single array. You can:

  • Re-mirror the array and preserve the existing data; the backup array is discarded. This option re-creates the original mirrored array with the current contents of the primary array.
  • Re-mirror the array and roll back to the contents of the backup array; existing data is discarded. This option re-creates the mirrored array but restores its original contents from the backup array.

You can also reactivate the split mirror backup. This option makes the backup array fully accessible to the operating system. maxView Storage Manager removes the "Split Mirror Set Backup" designation and re-designates it as a Data Array.

To re-mirror, roll back, or reactivate a split mirror backup:

  1. In the Enterprise View, select the Split Mirror Set Primary array; that is, an array with an existing split mirror backup.
    Note: Use the Summary tab on the Storage Dashboard to verify the array type.
  2. On the ribbon, in the Array group, click Remirror/Activate Backup.
  3. When prompted to select a re-mirroring task, choose: Re-mirror array, Re-mirror with roll-back, or Activate Backup.
    Note: Microchip recommends that you do not perform a re-mirror with roll back if the logical drive to be rolled back is mounted or in use by the operating system.
  4. Click OK.