9.1 maxCrypto Initial Setup

Before you can begin using maxCrypto in your storage space, you must complete the initial setup task to create the Crypto Officer account and configure the initial maxCrypto settings, including the Crypto Officer login credentials, maxCrypto master encryption key, and other basic information. You must also accept the maxCrypto Certificate of Use.

To setup maxCrypto:

  1. In the Enterprise View, select a system, then select a controller on that system.
  2. On the ribbon, in the Controller group, click Security Settings.

    The Set maxCrypto Configuration window opens; the Initial Setup tab is selected, by default.

  3. In the Key Management Mode drop-down, select Local to configure the local key management mode, where encryption keys are locally generated using the Master Key. Select Remote to configure remote key management mode, where encryption keys are generated and stored on a remote key server. A reboot is needed to take effect.
    Note: For Remote key management mode, you need to configure the KMS server using pre-boot.
  4. In the maxCrypto Mode drop-down, select Enabled to activate maxCrypto. Select Disabled to deactivate maxCrypto.
  5. In the Allow New Plaintext Logical Device(s) drop-down, select Enabled to allow plaintext logical devices to be created, in addition to encrypted logical devices. Select Disabled to allow only encrypted logical devices to be created.
    Note: To create plaintext logical devices, both maxCrypto Mode and Allow New Plaintext Logical Device(s) must be enabled.
  6. In the Master Key field, enter the maxCrypto master encryption key. The Master Key is a 10-32 character string, comprising all printable ASCII characters.
    CAUTION: Be sure to record the master key and store in a safe place. Once set, the Master Key cannot be displayed or recovered, only reset. Failure to provide the Master Key may result in encrypted data being irretrievable.
  7. In the Enter Crypto Password field, enter the Crypto Officer password. The password is a 8-16 character string, comprising all printable ASCII characters. It must include at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one numeric, and one special character (#,!,@,...).
  8. In the Re-Enter Crypto Password field, re-enter the Crypto Officer password.
  9. Click OK.
  10. When the maxCrypto Certificate of Use window opens, click Agree to complete the maxCrypto activation.