6.7 Controller Sanitize Lock Freeze/Anti-Freeze

The Sanitize Lock Freeze/Anti-Freeze feature provides the controller level of sanitize lock, which helps prevent accidental erasing of data on the disk after initiating a sanitize command. To accomplish this, you have the option of applying a controller-wide Sanitize Lock Freeze/Anti-Freeze policy. The freeze and anti-freeze commands will be used to block and unblock the sanitize commands that would erase data on the disk.

The sanitize lock feature has three options:

  • Freeze: Prevents any sanitize erase operations to be performed

  • Anti-Freeze: Locks the freeze command and enables any sanitize erase operation to be performed

  • None: Enables any sanitize erase operation to be performed

This is applicable only to SATA drives which support Sanitize Erase, Freeze, and Anti-Freeze.

To set the Sanitize Lock:

  1. In the Enterprise View, select a controller.
  2. On the ribbon, in the Controller group, click Set Properties.
    The Set Properties window opens.
  3. Click the Data Protection tab.
  4. From the Sanitize Lock drop-down list, select one of the three following options: None (default), Freeze, or Anti-Freeze.

    If the Sanitize Lock is set to any value other than None, the following warning message will be displayed in the menu header:

    Changing the Sanitize Lock will require a reboot to apply the new state to the controller, and require all physical devices to be power cycled or hot-plugged for the lock state to be applied to the physical devices.
  5. Click OK.