Storage Inventory

Perform the following steps to view storage inventory. It provides the complete view of the data and its statuses.
  1. In Enterprise tree view, select Enterprise View node.
  2. Click on the Inventory tab to display the storage inventory.

The storage inventory shows the following three charts:
  • System chart that displays the tree node status of the system(s). The drop-down menu of the system chart provides the option to view system or all the system currently being managed using maxView.
  • Component chart that displays the tree node status of each selected component. The component chart drop-down menu provides option as Controller, Logical Device, Enclosure, Backplane, and Physical Device. You can select the specific component to know the details of it along with Attributes chart.
  • Attribute chart displays the attributes related to the selected component.

The table preceding the charts display the details based on the drop-down values.

To export the details in a .csv format, perform the following steps:
  1. On the Inventory page, click Export as CSV.

    The Export Inventory Operation dialog box appears.

  2. Select Export Current Fields option to export the data currently available in the table as .csv format. Or, select Export All Fields to export all the data in .csv format depending on the drop-down options selected on system, component, and attributes.