18.2 Starting the maxView Plugin for vSphere 7 HTML Client

  1. Launch the VMware vSphere Web Client and enter your login credentials.
  2. From the menu, select the Shortcuts option.
  3. In the Monitoring section on the vSphere client's Shortcut page screen, click the maxView icon; the Host information screen opens.
  4. The maxView plugin loads and displays the Host list page.
  5. Click on the Add Host icon to add and manage the ESXi host.
    The Add Host dialog box opens.
  6. Enter the following credentials:
    1. Hostname or IP address of the ESXi Server
    2. Username and password of the ESXi Server
  7. Click the Add button.
    The status dialog is displayed with success or failure status.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click on Global Refresh icon to display the new added system in the list.
    Note: Before adding the system, make sure to install the arcconf, and AdaptecRedfish_x.xx.xxxxx-MIS.x.x.x.xxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx.zip on the ESXi server.