2.1 PIC16F18446 Curiosity Nano

The PIC16F18446 Curiosity Nano Board is a hardware platform that provides easy access to the features of the PIC16F18446 microcontroller and eases the integration of the device into a custom design.

The board contains an on-board Nano Embedded Debugger (nEDBG) for programming and debugging. This is composed of several interfaces: a debugger, a mass storage device, a data gateway, and a Virtual COM port (CDC).

All these interfaces ease the interaction between the user and the microcontroller through terminal software. They provide simple methods of programming the device, such as ICSP™ or performing drag and drop action with .hex-files.

The board has support in the MPLAB® X IDE, allowing the on-board nEDBG interface to program and debug the microcontroller. No additional software or hardware tools are necessary.

The board is powered through the USB connector and it contains two separate paths for power: one for the nEDBG, and one for the target device. The output voltage can be adjusted between 2.3V and 5.1V by the on board nEDBG.

Figure 2-1. PIC16F18446 Curiosity Nano Board