3 Microchip MPLAB® Harmony 3 Release Notes

Harmony 3 Wireless application examples for WINC3400 v3.7.0

Development kit and demo application support

Following table provides number of Wireless examples available for different development kits.

Development KitsMPLABx applications
SAMD21 with WINC3400 Xpro8
SAME54 with WINC3400 Xpro10
SAMA5D27-SOM1-EK1 with WINC3400 Wifi 8 Click board2
PIC32MZ EF 2.0 curiosity board with WINC3400 Xpro2

New Features

  • Developed WiFi Bypass Demos with SAMA5D27-SOM1-EK1 and WINC3400 Wifi 8 Click board with latest "wireless_wifi" driver v3.9.1

  • Developed WiFi Bypass Demos and WiFi Socket Demos with PIC32MZ EF 2.0 curiosity board and WINC3400 Xpro with latest "wireless_wifi" driver v3.9.1

  • Migrated all the host applications with latest "wireless_wifi" driver v3.9.1

Known Issues

  • WolfMQTT(STA bypass mode) demo application need to build "third_party/wolfMQTT/mqtt_socket.c" without xc32 option 'Make warnings into errors' as it uses the obsolete #include <sys/errno.h> file in WolfMQTT repo.

  • Additional known issues can be found at WINC3400-known-issues