7.14 Exporting Memory Map Report

The Export Memory Map Report functionality enables exporting all necessary data about BIF connections in a .json or .html file. It contains the data about the initiator pins, target pins, and their respective connections on the SmartDesign canvas. It also includes information about specified start address and range of every target BIF connected to respective initiator BIF in the processor.

To export the memory map report, perform the following steps:

  1. On the menu, click File > Export > Memory Map Report. The Export Memory Map Report dialog box appears.
    Figure 7-39. Export Memory Map Dialog Box
  2. Click OK. A .json formatted memory map report file is created, which you can open in any text editor.
    Note: You can choose to export the memory map to a different location and with a different filename in either .json or .html format as required.

Sample Memory Map Report

	"title": "Memory Map Report",
	"date": "Tue Feb  17 00:00:17 2023",
	"project_name": "MSS_ICICLE",
	"project_location": "/home/user/MSS_ICICLE",
	"SmartDesign name": "FIC_1_PERIPHERALS",
	"Initiator/Bus/Bridge/Target OffsetAddress Range HighAddress":[
	{"Node name":"AXI4mmaster0",
		"Connected Node":[
			{"Node name":"FIC_1_INITIATOR_0:AXI4mmaster0",
			"Component name":"FIC_1_INITIATOR",
				"Connected Node":[
			{"Node name":"PCIE:AXI_1_SLAVE",
			"Component name":"PF_PCIE_C0",
			"Offset Address":"0x0_0000_0000",
			"High Address":"0x3F_FFFF_FFFF",
			{"Node name":"FIC_1_PERIPHERALS:AXI4mslave0",
			"Component name":"PCIE_INITIATOR",
			"Offset Address":"0x0_6000_0000",
			"High Address":"0x1F_FFFF_FFFF",
			}				]			}		]
	{"Node name":"PCIE:AXI_1_MASTER",
	"Component name":"PF_PCIE_C0",
		"Connected Node":[
			{"Node name":"AXI_ADDRESS_SHIM_0:AXI4_TARGET",
			"Component name":"AXI_ADDRESS_SHIM",
			}		]