Canvas Window

The Canvas Window displays the:
  • RTL view
  • Hierarchical Post-Synthesis view
  • Flat Post-Compile view
  • Flat Post-Compile Cone view
  • Cones view
  • Opened HDL files (not available in the Flat Post-Compile view)
  • Start Page—when no netlist views are opened
When a view is opened, a view tab is added across the top of the Canvas window for ease of switching between views.
Important: To get a larger display area for the Canvas view, hide the Design Tree Window (Netlist Viewer > Windows > Uncheck Show Tree) and hide the Log window (Netlist Viewer > Windows > Uncheck > Show Log) Hiding the Log window and the Design Tree window leaves more display area for the Canvas window. Alternatively, press CTRL+W to maximize the work area.
Figure 8-15. Turn on/off Design Tree Window and Log Window
Icons in the Canvas window allow you to:
  • Traverse vertically up (Pop) or down (Push) the design hierarchy
  • Navigate horizontally across different pages of the design view
  • Zoom in/out of the design view
  • Trace critical nets to the driver/load
  • Create logical cones for debugging
  • Control the color display the design objects
Figure 8-16. Canvas Window