12.5 Advanced Constraints

The following section details the advanced constraints.

12.5.1 Set a Disable Timing Constraint

Use disable timing constraint to specify the timing arcs to be disabled for timing consideration.

To specify a Disable Timing constraint, open the Set Constraint to Disable Timing Arcs dialog box in one of the following four ways:

  • In the Constraints Browser, double-click Disable Timing.
  • Click the Add Disable Timing Constraint ??? icon.
  • From the Constraints menu, click Disable Timing.
  • Right-click any row of Disable Timing Constraints Table and click Add Constraint to Disable Timing. The Set Constraint to Disable Timing Arcs dialog box appears.
Note: This constraint is for the Place and Route tool and the Verify Timing tool. It is ignored by the Synthesis tool.
Figure 12-29. Set constraint to disable timing arcs Dialog Box

The following table describes the Set Constraint to Disable Timing Arcs dialog box options.

Table 12-21. Set Constraint to Disable Timing Arcs Options
Instance Name

Specifies the instance name for which the disable timing arc constraint will be created.

Click Browse next to the Instance Name box to open the Select instance to constrain dialog box.

The following options are available on the Select instance to constrain dialog box:
  • Type: Displays the type of the available pins in the design. All instances is the only valid type.
  • Pattern:

    The default is *, which is a wild-card match for all. You can specify any string value. Click Filter to filter the available pins based on the specified pin type and pattern.

    The list box displays the available instances. If you change the pattern value, the list box shows the available instances based on the filter.

    Select instances from this list and click OK to select the instance to constrain.

Exclude All Timing Arcs in the InstanceEnables you to exclude all timing arcs in the specified instance.
Specify Timing Arc to ExcludeEnables you to specify the timing arc to exclude. In this case, you need to specify the from and to ports.
From PortSpecifies the starting point for the timing arc.
To PortSpecifies the ending point for the timing arc.
CommentEnter a one-line comment for the constraint. Specifying Disable Timing Constraint

Use disable timing constraint to specify the timing arcs being disabled.

To specify the disable timing constraint:

  1. Add the constraint in the Editable Constraints Grid or open the Set Constraint to Disable Timing Arcs dialog box using one of the following methods:
    • From the Constraints menu, click Disable Timing.
    • Click the ??? icon in the Constraints Editor.
    • In the Constraints Editor, right-click Disable Timing and click Add Disable Timing Constraints.
  2. Select an instance from your design.
  3. Select whether you want to exclude all timing arcs in the instance or if you want to specify the timing arc to exclude. If you select Specify timing arc to exclude, select a from and to port for the timing arc.
  4. Enter any comments to be attached to the constraint.
  5. Click OK. The new constraint appears in the constraints list.
    Note: When you click Save from the File menu, the newly created constraint is saved in the database.

12.5.2 Set Clock Source Latency Constraint

Use the clock source latency constraint to specify the delay from the clock generation point to the clock definition point in the design.

Clock source latency defines the delay between an external clock source and the definition pin of a clock.

You can specify both an "early" delay and a "late" delay for this latency, providing an uncertainty that the timing analyzer can use for propagating through its calculations. Rising and falling edges of the same clock can have different latencies. If only one clock source latency value is provided, the value is taken as the exact latency value for both rising and falling edges.

To specify a Clock Source Latency constraint, open the Set Clock Source Latency Constraint dialog box in one of the following four ways:

  • In the Constraints Browser, double-click Clock Source Latency.
  • Click the Clock Source Latency Constraint ??? icon.
  • From the Constraints menu, click Clock Source Latency .
  • Right-click any row of Clock Latency Constraints Table and click Add Clock Source Latency. The Set Clock Source Latency Constraint dialog box appears.
Figure 12-30. Set Clock Source Latency Constraint Dialog Box

The following table describes the Set Clock Source Latency Constraint dialog box options.

Table 12-22. Set Clock Source Latency Constraint Options
Clock Name or SourceTo select the clock source, click the Browse button to open the Choose the Clock Source Pin dialog box.

The only choice available for Pin Type is Clock Pins.

Late RiseSpecifies the largest possible latency (in nanoseconds) of the rising clock edge at the clock port or pin selected with respect to its source. Negative values are acceptable, but may lead to overly optimistic analysis.
Late FallSpecifies the largest possible latency (in nanoseconds) of the falling clock edge at the clock port or pin selected with respect to its source. Negative values are acceptable, but may lead to overly optimistic analysis.
Early RiseSpecifies the smallest possible latency (in nanoseconds) of the rising clock edge at the clock port or pin selected with respect to its source. Negative values are acceptable, but may lead to overly optimistic analysis.
Early FallSpecifies the smallest possible latency (in nanoseconds) of the falling clock edge at the clock port or pin selected with respect to its source. Negative values are acceptable, but may lead to overly optimistic analysis.
Falling same as risingSpecifies that the rising and falling clock edges have the same latency.
Early same as Late

Specifies that the clock source latency must be considered a single value, not a range from early to late.

CommentEnter a one-line comment to describe the clock source latency.

12.5.3 Set a Clock Uncertainty Constraint

Use the Set Clock Uncertainty Constraint dialog box to set either the Simple Clock Uncertainty constraint or the Clock To Clock Uncertainty constraint from the Type drop-down menu. The default is Simple Clock Uncertainty. Set Simple Clock Uncertainty Constraint

To open the Set Clock Uncertainty Constraint dialog box from the Constraints menu, choose Clock Uncertainty and select Simple Clock Uncertainty from the Type drop-down menu in Set Clock Uncertainty Constraint dialog box.

Figure 12-31. Set Clock Uncertainty Constraint dialog box

The following table describes the Set Clock Uncertainty Constraint dialog box options.

Table 12-23. Set Clock Uncertainty Constraint Options

Select Simple Clock Uncertainty (default) to set clock uncertainty constraint on a single clock.


Specifies the clock name as the uncertainty source. To set the source clock, click the Browse button to open the Select Source for Simple Uncertainty Constraint dialog box.

The following options are available in the Select Source for Simple Uncertainty Constraint dialog box:
  • Type: Displays the type of available pins in the design. The available Pin Type options are:
    • Clock Pins
    • All Pins
    • All Ports
  • Pattern: Default is *, which is a wild-card match for all. You can specify any string value. Click Search to filter the available pins based on the specified Pin Type and Pattern.
  • Available Pins: Displays the available clock pins or ports (ports are defined as clock signal in the design). If you change the pattern value, the list box displays the available pins or ports based on the filter.

    Use Add/Add All to add the clock pins from the Available Pins list to the Assigned Pins list or Remove/Remove All to delete the clock pins from the Assigned Pins list.

  • Assigned Pins: Displays pins selected from the Available Pins list. Select Pins from this list and click OK to add the source to the constraint.
UncertainityEnter the time in ns that represents the amount of deviation between two clock edges.
Use uncertainty forEnables you to select whether the uncertainty constraint applies to setup, hold, or all checks.
CommentEnables you to save a single line of text that describes this constraint. Set Clock-to-Clock Uncertainty Constraint

To open the Set Clock-to-clock Uncertainty Constraint dialog box from the Constraints menu, choose Clock Uncertainty, and select Clock To Clock Uncertainty from the Type drop-down menu.

Figure 12-32. Set Clock-to-Clock Uncertainty Constraint Dialog Box

The following table describes the Set Clock-to-clock Uncertainty Constraint dialog box options.

Table 12-24. Set Clock-to-Clock Uncertainty Constraint Options
TypeSelect Clock To Clock Uncertainty.
From ClockSpecifies clock name as the uncertainty source.

To set the From Clock, click the Browse button to open the Select Source Clock List for Clock-to-clock Uncertainty dialog box.

The following options are available in the Select Source Clock List for Clock-to-clock Uncertainty dialog box:
  • Type: Displays the type of available pins in the design. The only choice available for Pin Type is Clock Pins.
  • Pattern: Default is *, which is a wild-card match for all. You can specify any string value. Click Search to filter the available pins based on the specified Pin Type and Pattern.
  • Available Pins: Displays the available clock pins. If you change the pattern value, the list box displays the available pins based on the filter.

    Use Add/Add All to add the clock pins from the Available Pins list to the Assigned Pins list or Remove/Remove All to delete the clock pins from the Assigned Pins list.

  • Assigned Pins: Displays pins selected from the Available Pins list. Select Pins from this list and click OK to add the source clock for the Clock-to-Clock Uncertainty constraint.
EdgeEnables you to select if the clock-to-clock uncertainty applies to rising, falling, or both edges.
To ClockSpecifies clock name as the uncertainty destination.

To set the To Clock, click the Browse button to open the Select Destination Clock List for Clock-to-clock Uncertainty Constraint dialog box.

The following options are available in the Select Destination Clock List for Clock-to-clock Uncertainty Constraint dialog box:
  • Type: Displays the type of available pins in the design. The only valid selection is Clock Pins.
  • Pattern: Default is *, which is a wild-card match for all. You can specify any string value. Click Search to filter the available pins based on the specified Pin Type and Pattern.
  • Available Pins: Displays the available clock pins. If you change the pattern value, the list box displays the available pins based on the filter.

    Use Add/Add All to add the clock pins from the Available Pins list to the Assigned Pins list or Remove/Remove All to delete the clock pins from the Assigned Pins list.

  • Assigned Pins: Displays pins selected from the Available Pins list. Select Pins from this list and click OK to add the destination clock for the Clock-to-Clock Uncertainty constraint.
UncertaintyEnter the time in ns that represents the amount of deviation between two clock edges.
Use Uncertainty ForEnables you to select whether the uncertainty constraint applies to setup, hold, or all checks.
CommentEnables you to save a single line of text that describes this constraint.

12.5.4 Set a Clock Group

To add or delete a clock group constraint, open the Add Clock Groups Constraint dialog box in one of the following ways:

  • From the Constraints menu, click Clock Groups.
  • In the Constraints Browser, double-click Clock Groups.
  • Right-click any row of Clock Groups Constraints Table and click Add Clock Groups.
Figure 12-33 12-34. Add Clock Groups Constraints Dialog Box

The following table describes the Add Clock Groups Constraints dialog box options.

Table 12-25. Add Clock Groups Constraints Options
ClockGroupsName Enter a name for the clock groups to be added.
Exclusive Flag Choose one of the following three clock group attributes for the clock group:
  • Logically Exclusive : Use this setting for clocks that can exist physically on the device at the same time, but are logically exclusive (for example, multiplexed clocks).
  • Physically Exclusive : Use this setting for clocks that cannot exist physically on the device at the same time (for example, multiple clocks defined on the same pin).
  • Asynchronous : Use this setting when there are valid timing paths between the two clock groups, but the two clocks have no frequency or phase relationship and therefore these timing paths can be excluded from timing analysis.
Add GroupClick Add to open a dialog box to add clocks to a clock group. In the Available Pins list, click the clocks, and then click Add to move them to the Assigned Pins list. Click OK.
Delete GroupDelete the clocks from a clock group. Select the group of clocks to be deleted and click Delete Group. This will delete the clock group.

12.5.5 Set External Delay Constraint

Use set external timing constraint to specify the external delay between user-specified From and To ports (outside of chip). The delay is considered during Timing Analysis for PLL external feedback delay calculation when the PLL output goes outside of the chip through the From pin, and re-enters the chip through the To pin, which then connects to the PLL feedback clock input pin.

Important: The Synplify Pro Synthesis software does not support this constraint. In Libero flow, this constraint is skipped for Synplify Pro Synthesis software.

To set an external delay constraint, right click any row of Set External Delay Constraints table, and then click Add/Edit Set External Delay. When the Add Set External Delay Constraint dialog box appears, complete the options, and then click OK.

Figure 12-33 12-34. Add Set External Delay Constraint Dialog Box
Table 12-26. Add Set External Delay Constraint Dialog Options
FromSpecify the output port or click Browse to display the Select From Port for Set External Delay dialog box. Available options are:
  • Pin Type: Displays the pin type to search. The only valid selection is Output Ports and cannot be changed.
  • Pattern: The default value is *, which is a wildcard match for all. You can specify any string value.

To filter the output port based on a specified pattern, click Filter, select one output port from the filtered results, and click OK.

ToSpecify the input port or click Browse to display the Select To Port for Set External Delay dialog box. Available options are:
  • Pin Type: Displays the pin type to search. The only valid selection is Input Ports and cannot be changed.
  • Pattern: The default value is *, which is a wildcard match for all. You can specify any string value.

To filter the input port based on a specified pattern, click Filter, select one input port from the filtered results, and click OK.

Delay typeChoose one of the following delay type attributes for the external delay:
  • Min: The External Delay is considered during the minimum analysis.
  • Max: The External Delay is considered during the maximum analysis.
  • Both: The External Delay is considered for both minimum and maximum analysis.
External DelaySpecify the external delay in nanoseconds between the From and To ports.
CommentEnter a one-line comment for this constraint.