Abstraction Model

Library Overview

The Library Interface routines are divided into various sub-sections, which address one of the blocks or the overall operation of the Networking Presentation Layer.

Library Interface SectionDescription
System FunctionsProvides "initialize" functions and a "tasks" function for performing general presentation layer tasks
Socket FunctionsProvides various socket-related functions for the purpose of connecting, flushing, and setting options, among others
Certificate Store FunctionsProvides certificate-related functions for the purpose of obtaining certificates and keys

Configuring the Library

The configuration of the Networking Presentation Layer is done as part of the MPLAB Harmony TCP/IP Stack configuration and specific NET_PRES parameters are generated in the configuration.h.

This header file contains the configuration selection for the Networking Presentation Layer. Based on the selections made, the Networking Presentation Layer may support the selected features. These configuration settings will apply to all instances of the Networking Presentation Layer.

This header can be placed anywhere; however, the path of this header needs to be present in the include search path for a successful build. Refer to the TCP/IP Demonstrations Help section for more details.