Library Interface

This section describes the Application Programming Interface (API) functions of the Networking Presentation Layer.

System Functions
NET_PRES_DeinitializeDeinitializes the Network Presentation Layer Instance.
NET_PRES_InitializeInitializes the Network Presentation Layer sub-system with the configuration data.
NET_PRES_ReinitializeReinitializes the instance of the presentation layer.
NET_PRES_TasksMPLAB Harmony tasks function used for general presentation layer tasks.
NET_PRES_StatusProvides the current status of the MPLAB Harmony Networking Presentation Layer.
Socket Functions
NET_PRES_SocketBindBinds a socket to a local address.
NET_PRES_SocketCloseDisconnects an open socket and destroys the socket handle, releasing the associated resources.
NET_PRES_SocketConnectConnects a client socket.
NET_PRES_SocketDiscardDiscards any pending data in the RX FIFO.
NET_PRES_SocketDisconnectDisconnects an open socket.
NET_PRES_SocketEncryptSocketThis function turns an insecure socket into a secure socket. Details: This function will turn an unencrypted socket into an encrypted socket and starts encryption negotiation.
NET_PRES_SocketFlushImmediately transmits all pending TX data.
NET_PRES_SocketGetTransportHandleThis function returns the transport layer handle. Details: This function returns the transport layer handle for a valid socket
NET_PRES_SocketInfoGetObtains information about a currently open socket.
NET_PRES_SocketIsConnectedDetermines whether a socket has an established connection.
NET_PRES_SocketIsNegotiatingEncryptionThis function checks if encryption negotiation is still in progress.
NET_PRES_SocketIsOpenModeSupportedChecks to see if a mode is supported by open.
NET_PRES_SocketIsSecureThis function checks whether a connection is secure.
NET_PRES_SocketLastErrorThis function returns the last error code for this socket. Details: This function will return the last error code that was set for this socket and it will clear the current error code. An error code is set whenever a socket operation fails for some missing functionality, bad parameter, etc.
NET_PRES_SocketOpenOpens a presentation socket.
NET_PRES_SocketOptionsGetAllows the options for a socket such as, current RX/TX buffer size, etc., to be obtained.
NET_PRES_SocketOptionsSetAllows setting options to a socket like adjust RX/TX buffer size, etc.
NET_PRES_SocketPeekReads a specified number of data bytes from the RX buffer/FIFO without removing them from the buffer.
NET_PRES_SocketReadReads an array of data bytes from a socket's RX buffer/FIFO.
NET_PRES_SocketReadIsReadyDetermines how many bytes can be read from the RX buffer.
NET_PRES_SocketRemoteBindBinds a socket to a remote local address.
NET_PRES_SocketSignalHandlerDeregisterDeregisters a previously registered socket signal handler.
NET_PRES_SocketSignalHandlerRegisterRegisters a socket signal handler.
NET_PRES_SocketWasResetSelf-clearing semaphore indicating socket reset.
NET_PRES_SocketWriteTakes a buffer and sends it to the encryption provider.
NET_PRES_SocketWriteIsReadyDetermines how much free space is available in the TX buffer.
Certificate Store Functions
NET_PRES_CertStoreGetCACertsThis function gets the CA certificates from the store,
NET_PRES_CertStoreGetServerCertThis function gets a server certificate and key from the certificate store.
Data Types and Constants
_NET_PRES_EncProviderObjectDefines the data that the presentation layer needs from the provider.
_NET_PRES_TransportObjectDefines the data that the transport layer needs to provide to the Networking Presentation Layer.
NET_PRES_INDEXSets the type for the presentation layer index.
NET_PRES_INIT_DATAInitializes a Presentation layer.
NET_PRES_INST_DATAInitializes a Presentation layer.
NET_PRES_SIGNAL_FUNCTIONMPLAB Harmony Networking Presentation Layer Signal function.
NET_PRES_SIGNAL_HANDLESets the type for the presentation layer signal handle.
NET_PRES_SKT_HANDLE_TSets the type for the presentation layer socket handle.
NET_PRES_EncProviderConnectConnects the function to the provider.
NET_PRES_EncProviderConnectionCloseDefines the close function to the provider.
NET_PRES_EncProviderDeinitDefines the deinitialization function for the provider.
NET_PRES_EncProviderInitDefines the initialization function to the encryption provider.
NET_PRES_EncProviderIsInitializedDetermines whether the encryption provider has been initialized.
NET_PRES_EncProviderObjectDefines the data that the presentation layer needs from the provider.
NET_PRES_EncProviderOpenDefines the open connection function to the provider.
NET_PRES_EncProviderReadDefines the read function to the provider
NET_PRES_EncProviderWriteDefines the write function to the provider.
NET_PRES_EncSessionStatusDefines the enumeration for the state and status of the encrypted portion of a connection.
NET_PRES_SKT_PORT_TSets the type for the presentation layer port.
NET_PRES_TRANS_ADDR_TDefines a generic address structure to pass to the transport layer.
NET_PRES_TRANS_ADDRESS_TYPEDefines the enumeration for the type of address.
NET_PRES_TRANS_OPTION_TDefines the enumeration for the type of options.
NET_PRES_TransBindBinds a socket to a local address.
NET_PRES_TransBoolGeneric function prototype for functions that return a bool.
NET_PRES_TransCloseFunction prototype for functions that closes a socket.
NET_PRES_TransDiscardFunction prototype for functions that clears a socket's RX buffer.
NET_PRES_TransHandlerRegisterFunction prototype that registers a handler with a socket.
NET_PRES_TransOpenOpens a presentation socket.
NET_PRES_TransOptionSets of gets a socket's options.
NET_PRES_TransPeekFunction prototype for functions that peeks on the socket's buffer.
NET_PRES_TransportObjectDefines the data that the transport layer needs to provide to the Networking Presentation Layer.
NET_PRES_TransReadDefines the read function provided by the transport layer.
NET_PRES_TransReadyDefines the ready function provided by the transport layer.
NET_PRES_TransSignalHandlerDeregisterFunction prototype that deregisters a handler with a socket.
NET_PRES_TransSocketInfoGetFunction prototype for functions that gets the information on a socket.
NET_PRES_TransWriteDefines the write function provided by the transport layer.
NET_PRES_INVALID_SOCKETInvalid socket indicator macro.
NET_PRES_HThis is macro NET_PRES_H.
NET_PRES_EncProviderReadReadyDefines the read ready function to the provider
NET_PRES_EncProviderWriteReadyDefines the write ready function to the provider.
NET_PRES_TransIsPortDefaultSecuredChecks to see if a port is encrypted by default.
NET_PRES_EncProviderMaxOutputSizeDefines the maximum output size function to the provider.
NET_PRES_EncProviderOutputSizeDefines the output size function to the provider.