Library Interface

TCPIP_TCP_AUTO_TRANSMIT_TIMEOUT_VALTimeout before automatically transmitting unflushed data, ms. Default value is 40 ms.
TCPIP_TCP_CLOSE_WAIT_TIMEOUTTimeout for the CLOSE_WAIT state, ms If the remote socket closes the connection the TCP/IP stack will automatically close the socket after this timeout. If the value is set to 0 then the socket will wait forever for the application to close the socket (default behavior). Default should be 0
TCPIP_TCP_DELAYED_ACK_TIMEOUTTimeout for delayed-acknowledgment algorithm, ms
TCPIP_TCP_DYNAMIC_OPTIONSEnable the TCP sockets dynamic options set/get functionality If enabled, the functions: TCPIP_TCP_OptionsSet, TCPIP_TCP_OptionsGet and TCPIP_TCP_FifoSizeAdjust exist and are compiled in If disabled, these functions do not exist and cannot be used/called Note that this setting can affect modules that use TCP sockets
TCPIP_TCP_FIN_WAIT_2_TIMEOUTTimeout for FIN WAIT 2 state, ms
TCPIP_TCP_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUTTimeout for keep-alive messages when no traffic is sent, ms
TCPIP_TCP_MAX_RETRIESMaximum number of retransmission attempts
TCPIP_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_TXTCP Maximum Segment Size for TX. The TX maximum segment size is actually governed by the remote node's MSS option advertised during connection establishment. However, if the remote node specifies an unmanageably large MSS (ex: > Ethernet MTU), this define sets a hard limit so that TX buffers are not overflowed. If the remote node does not advertise a MSS option, all TX segments are fixed at 536 bytes maximum. This symbol sets an upper bound on the TCP MSS on the transmit side which can ignore/override the remote node advertising.
TCPIP_TCP_MAX_SOCKETSThe maximum number of sockets to create in the stack. When defining TCPIP_TCP_MAX_SOCKETS take into account the number of interfaces the stack is supporting.
TCPIP_TCP_MAX_SYN_RETRIESSmaller than all other retries to reduce SYN flood DoS duration
TCPIP_TCP_MAX_UNACKED_KEEP_ALIVESMaximum number of keep-alive messages that can be sent without receiving a response before automatically closing the connection
TCPIP_TCP_SOCKET_DEFAULT_RX_SIZEDefault socket RX buffer size Note that this setting affects all TCP sockets that are created and, together with TCPIP_TCP_MAX_SOCKETS, has a great impact on the heap size that's used by the stack (see TCPIP_STACK_DRAM_SIZE setting). When large RX bufferrs are needed, probably a dynamic, per socket approach, is a better choice (see TCPIP_TCP_OptionsSet function). The performance of a socket is highly dependent on the size of its buffers so it's a good idea to use as large as possible buffers for the sockets that need high throughput. Note that some modules (like HTTP) use their own settings to... more
TCPIP_TCP_SOCKET_DEFAULT_TX_SIZEDefault socket TX buffer size Note that this setting affects all TCP sockets that are created and, together with TCPIP_TCP_MAX_SOCKETS, has a great impact on the heap size that's used by the stack (see TCPIP_STACK_DRAM_SIZE setting). When large TX bufferrs are needed, probably a dynamic, per socket approach, is a better choice (see TCPIP_TCP_OptionsSet function). The performance of a socket is highly dependent on the size of its buffers so it's a good idea to use as large as possible buffers for the sockets that need high throughput. Note that some modules (like HTTP) use their own settings to... more
TCPIP_TCP_START_TIMEOUT_VALTimeout to retransmit unacked data, ms
TCPIP_TCP_TASK_TICK_RATEThe TCP task processing rate: number of milliseconds to generate an TCP tick. This is the tick that advances the TCP state machine. The default value is 5 milliseconds. The lower the rate (higher the frequency) the higher the module priority and higher module performance can be obtained The value cannot be lower than the TCPIP_STACK_TICK_RATE.
TCPIP_TCP_WINDOW_UPDATE_TIMEOUT_VALTimeout before automatically transmitting a window update due to a TCPIP_TCP_Get() or TCPIP_TCP_ArrayGet() function call, ms.
TCPIP_TCP_COMMANDSTCPIP TCP info commands Enables/Disables the TCP command feature. This setting will add a TCP "info" command to the TCP/IP command menu allowing a run time inspection of the TCP sockets Set the value to 1 to enable, 0 to disable the feature.
TCPIP_TCP_MSL_TIMEOUTMaximum Segment Length (MSL) timeout, seconds This value sets the time a socket will be in the TIME_WAIT/2MSL state after the socket performed an active close. RFC recommended value is 120 sec. Other common values are: 30/60 sec Note that if this symbol is defined to 0, then the TIME_WAIT/2MSL state is skipped! This could lead to duplicate sequence numbers problems if sockets are frequently/rapidly closed and reopened and normally should be avoided.
TCPIP_TCP_QUIET_TIMEThis value specifies the TCP quiet time: TCP will not send any data for TCPIP_TCP_QUIET_TIME seconds after rebooting! Usualy this value should match the MSL value. Note that if this symbol is defined to 0, then the TCP quiet time state is skipped! During the quiet time there will be no TCP traffic initiated by TCP. So, clients won't be able to connect to remote hosts and servers won't reply to client requests.
TCPIP_TCP_EXTERN_PACKET_PROCESSThis setting enables/disables the processing of the RX packets by an external handler The user of the TCP can register an external function to process the incoming packets If true, the functionality is built in and could be used by the application If false, the functionality does not exist and the generated code is slightly smaller
Socket Management Functions
TCPIP_TCP_ServerOpenOpens a TCP socket as a server.
TCPIP_TCP_ClientOpenOpens a TCP socket as a client.
TCPIP_TCP_CloseDisconnects an open socket and destroys the socket handle, releasing the associated resources.
TCPIP_TCP_ConnectConnects a client socket.
TCPIP_TCP_BindBinds a socket to a local address.
TCPIP_TCP_RemoteBindBinds a socket to a remote address.
TCPIP_TCP_IsConnectedDetermines if a socket has an established connection.
TCPIP_TCP_WasResetSelf-clearing semaphore indicating socket reset.
TCPIP_TCP_DisconnectDisconnects an open socket.
TCPIP_TCP_AbortAborts a connection.
TCPIP_TCP_OptionsGetAllows getting the options for a socket like: current RX/TX buffer size, etc.
TCPIP_TCP_OptionsSetAllows setting options to a socket like adjust RX/TX buffer size, etc.
TCPIP_TCP_SocketInfoGetObtains information about a currently open socket.
TCPIP_TCP_SocketNetGetGets the current network interface of an TCP socket.
TCPIP_TCP_SocketNetSetSets the interface for an TCP socket
TCPIP_TCP_TaskStandard TCP/IP stack module task function.
TCPIP_TCP_SignalHandlerDeregisterDeregisters a previously registered TCP socket signal handler.
TCPIP_TCP_SignalHandlerRegisterRegisters a TCP socket signal handler.
TCPIP_TCP_IsReadyReturns the current status of the TCP module
TCPIP_TCP_SocketsNumberGetReturns the number of existent TCP sockets.
TCPIP_TCP_SocketTraceSetSets the current socket trace status.
TCPIP_TCP_PacketHandlerDeregisterDeregisters a previously registered packet handler.
TCPIP_TCP_PacketHandlerRegisterSets a new packet processing handler.
Transmit Data Transfer Functions
TCPIP_TCP_PutIsReadyDetermines how much free space is available in the TCP TX buffer.
TCPIP_TCP_ArrayPutWrites an array from a buffer to a TCP socket.
TCPIP_TCP_StringPutWrites a null-terminated string to a TCP socket.
TCPIP_TCP_PutWrites a single byte to a TCP socket.
TCPIP_TCP_FlushImmediately transmits all pending TX data.
TCPIP_TCP_FifoTxFullGetDetermines how many bytes are pending in the TCP TX FIFO.
TCPIP_TCP_FifoTxFreeGetDetermines how many bytes are free and could be written in the TCP TX FIFO.
Receive Data Transfer Functions
TCPIP_TCP_GetIsReadyDetermines how many bytes can be read from the TCP RX buffer.
TCPIP_TCP_ArrayGetReads an array of data bytes from a TCP socket's RX buffer/FIFO.
TCPIP_TCP_ArrayPeekReads a specified number of data bytes from the TCP RX buffer/FIFO without removing them from the buffer.
TCPIP_TCP_ArrayFindSearches for a string in the TCP RX buffer.
TCPIP_TCP_FindSearches for a byte in the TCP RX buffer.
TCPIP_TCP_GetRetrieves a single byte to a TCP socket.
TCPIP_TCP_PeekPeaks at one byte in the TCP RX buffer/FIFO without removing it from the buffer.
TCPIP_TCP_DiscardDiscards any pending data in the RCP RX FIFO.
TCPIP_TCP_FifoRxFreeGetDetermines how many bytes are free in the RX buffer/FIFO.
TCPIP_TCP_FifoSizeAdjustAdjusts the relative sizes of the RX and TX buffers.
TCPIP_TCP_FifoRxFullGetDetermines how many bytes are pending in the RX buffer/FIFO.
Data Types and Constants
TCP_ADJUST_FLAGSTCP adjust RX and TX buffers flags.
TCP_OPTION_LINGER_DATASocket linger options.
TCP_PORTDefines a TCP Port number.
TCP_SOCKETDefines a TCP Socket.
TCP_SOCKET_INFOTCP socket information.
TCP_SOCKET_OPTIONTCP Socket run-time options.
INVALID_SOCKETInvalid socket indicator macro.
TCP_OPTION_THRES_FLUSH_TYPEList of the socket half threshold TX flush types.
TCP_OPTION_KEEP_ALIVE_DATASocket keep alive options
TCPIP_TCP_MODULE_CONFIGTCP module run-time configuration/initialization data.
TCPIP_TCP_SIGNAL_TYPETCP run time signal/event types.
TCPIP_TCP_STATETCP socket state.
TCPIP_TCP_PACKET_HANDLERPointer to a function(handler) that will get called to process an incoming TCP packet.
TCPIP_TCP_PROCESS_HANDLEDefines a TCP packet processing handle.