NET_PRES_TransportObject Structure


typedef struct _NET_PRES_TransportObject { 
    NET_PRES_TransOpen fpOpen; 
    NET_PRES_TransBind fpLocalBind; 
    NET_PRES_TransBind fpRemoteBind; 
    NET_PRES_TransOption fpOptionGet; 
    NET_PRES_TransOption fpOptionSet; 
    NET_PRES_TransBool fpIsConnected; 
    NET_PRES_TransBool fpWasReset; 
    NET_PRES_TransBool fpWasDisconnected; 
    NET_PRES_TransBool fpDisconnect; 
    NET_PRES_TransBool fpConnect; 
    NET_PRES_TransClose fpClose; 
    NET_PRES_TransSocketInfoGet fpSocketInfoGet; 
    NET_PRES_TransBool fpFlush; 
    NET_PRES_TransPeek fpPeek; 
    NET_PRES_TransDiscard fpDiscard; 
    NET_PRES_TransHandlerRegister fpHandlerRegister; 
    NET_PRES_TransSignalHandlerDeregister fpHandlerDeregister; 
    NET_PRES_TransRead fpRead; NET_PRES_TransWrite fpWrite; 
    NET_PRES_TransReady fpReadyToRead; 
    NET_PRES_TransReady fpReadyToWrite; 
    NET_PRES_TransIsPortDefaultSecured fpIsPortDefaultSecure; 
} NET_PRES_TransportObject; 


NET_PRES_TransOpen fpOpen;Function pointer to the transport's open call
NET_PRES_TransBind fpLocalBind;Function pointer to the transport's bind call
NET_PRES_TransBind fpRemoteBind;Function pointer to the transport's remote bind call
NET_PRES_TransOption fpOptionGet;Function call to the the transport's option get call
NET_PRES_TransOption fpOptionSet;Function call to the the transport's option set call
NET_PRES_TransBool fpIsConnected;Function call to the the transport's is connected call
NET_PRES_TransBool fpWasReset;Function call to the the transport's was reset call
NET_PRES_TransBool fpWasDisconnected;Function call to the the transport's was disconnected call
NET_PRES_TransBool fpDisconnect;Function call to the the transport's disconnect call
NET_PRES_TransBool fpConnect;Function call to the the transport's connect call
NET_PRES_TransClose fpClose;Function call to the the transport's close call
NET_PRES_TransSocketInfoGet fpSocketInfoGet;Function call to the the transport's get socket info call
NET_PRES_TransBool fpFlush;Function call to the the transport's flush call
NET_PRES_TransPeek fpPeek;Function call to the the transport's peek call
NET_PRES_TransDiscard fpDiscard;Function call to the the transport's discard call
NET_PRES_TransHandlerRegister fpHandlerRegister;Function call to the the transport's register handler call
NET_PRES_TransSignalHandlerDeregister fpHandlerDeregister;Function call to the the transport's deregister handler call
NET_PRES_TransRead fpRead;Function pointer to call when doing a read from a transport layer
NET_PRES_TransWrite fpWrite;Function pointer to call when doing a write to a transport layer
NET_PRES_TransReady fpReadyToRead;Function pointer to call when checking to see if there is data available to be read from a transport layer
NET_PRES_TransReady fpReadyToWrite;Function pointer to call when checking to see if there is space available to be write to a transport layer
NET_PRES_TransIsPortDefaultSecured fpIsPortDefaultSecure;Function pointer to call when checking to see if a port is secure by default


MPLAB Harmony Networking Presentation Transport Information Structure This data type defines the data required by the transport layer to effectively work with the Networking Presentation Layer. The data is there to allow the Networking Presentation Layer to configure the provider to effectively use the transport layer.

