Appendix A.1 – Uploading a Certificate to IoT Hub Azure

Perform the following steps to get the device connected to the IoT hub.

  1. For new users, create a new Azure account.
  2. From the Azure homepage, select + Create a resource > Categories > Internet of Things > IoT Hub.
    Figure . Azure Home Page - Create a Resource
  3. In Basics tab, enter the project details as shown in the following figure.
    1. Select the Subscription and Resource group for the IoT hub.
    2. To create a new resource group, select “Create new” and provide a custom name. Use unique alphanumeric characters for the IoT hub name.
    Figure . IoT Hub - Basics Tab
  4. In the Networking tab, set Connectivity configuration and TLS version.
    Note: Once the IoT hub is created, TLS version can not be updated. The user can select the default setting 1.0.
    Figure . IoT Hub - Networking Tab
  5. As per the user’s choice, set access permissions from the Management, Add-ons and Tags tabs.
    Figure . IoT Hub - Management Tab
    Figure . IoT Hub - Add-ons Tab
    Figure . IoT Hub - Tags Tab
  6. Click Review + create to review choices and then select Create to start deployment of new hub.
  7. Go to the newly created IoT hub and select Devices under Device management from the left navigation pane.
    Figure . IoT Hub - Device Management
  8. Click Add Device, fill in the details and click Save:
    Note: Use a unique Device ID (Common Name) (for more details on Device ID, refer to step 2 of Running the Application from Azure Cloud Demo application) as a value in Device ID field.
    Figure . Create a Device
  9. The device will be added to the IoT Hub, and it will also be displayed in the list of devices.
    Figure . List of Devices
  10. Register the subordinate CA certificate to the IoT hub, which uses it to authenticate user’s devices during registration and connection. In the Azure portal, navigate to the IoT hub and select Certificates from the Security Settings menu.
    Figure . Adding Certificate
  11. Upon completion, the status of the subordinate CA certificate will be updated to “Verified”
    Figure . Certificate Verification