Linker Script Symbols

Several symbol are used by the compiler's linker scripts to locate the start and maximum end addresses of the memory regions in which sections are placed. While it is possible to redefine these symbols using the -Wl,--defsym,symbol=address option, there are typically compiler options that can be more easily used to achieve the desired goal.

The __TEXT_REGION_LENGTH__ and __DATA_REGION_LENGTH__ symbols, for example, define the maximum length (size) of the regions used to hold program code and RAM-based objects, respectively. Rather than adjust these directly, consider using the -mreserve option (Reserve Option), which can be used to remove memory ranges from consideration when linking. For example, to reduce the available program memory on a device with 8KB of program memory to only the lower 6 KB, use the option -mreserve=rom@0x1800:0x2000.

The __TEXT_REGION_ORIGIN__ and __DATA_REGION_ORIGIN__ symbols define the starting address of the regions used to hold program code and RAM-based objects, respectively. Rather than adjust these directly, consider using the -Wl,-Ttext and -Wl,-Tdata options, respectively (Changing and Linking the Allocated Section). For example, to have all code start at address 0x100, use the option -Wl,-Ttext=0x100.