Round Robin Scheduling

Static scheduling may cause starvation, i.e. some interrupts might never be serviced. To avoid this, the CPUINT offers round robin scheduling for normal priority (LVL0) interrupts. In round robin scheduling, CPUINT.LVL0PRI contains the number of the vector number in IVEC with the lowest priority. This register is automatically updated by hardware with the interrupt vector number for the last acknowledged LVL0 interrupt. This interrupt vector will, therefore, have the lowest priority next time one or more LVL0 interrupts are pending. Figure 14-5 explains the new priority ordering after IVEC Y was the last interrupt to be acknowledged, and after IVEC Y+1 was the last interrupt to be acknowledged.

Round robin scheduling for LVL0 interrupt requests is enabled by writing a ‘1’ to the Round Robin Priority Enable bit (LVL0RR) in the Control A register (CPUINT.CTRLA).

Figure 14-5. Round Robin Scheduling