25.2 Overview

The Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous serial Receiver and Transmitter (USART) peripheral is a fast and flexible serial communication module. The USART supports full duplex communication, asynchronous and synchronous operation, and one-wire configurations. The USART can be set in SPI Master mode and used for SPI communication.

The USART uses three communication lines for data transfer:

  • RxD for receiving
  • TxD for transmitting
  • XCK for the transmission clock in synchronous operation
Communication is frame based, and the frame format can be customized to support a wide range of standards. One frame can be directly followed by a new frame, or the communication line can return to the idle (high) state. A serial frame consists of:
  • 1 Start bit
  • 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 data bits (MSb or LSb first)
  • Parity bit: Even, odd, or none
  • 1 or 2 Stop bits

The USART is buffered in both directions, enabling continued data transmission without any delay between frames. Separate interrupts for receive and transmit completion allow fully interrupt driven communication. Frame error and buffer overflow are detected in hardware and indicated with separate status flags. Even or odd parity generation and parity check can also be enabled.

The main functional blocks are the clock generator, the transmitter, and the receiver:

  • The clock generator includes a fractional Baud Rate Generator that is able to generate a wide range of USART baud rates from any system clock frequencies. This removes the need to use an oscillator with a specific frequency to achieve a required baud rate. It also supports external clock input in synchronous slave operation.
  • The transmitter consists of a single write buffer (DATA), a shift register, and a parity generator. The write buffer allows continuous data transmission without any delay between frames.
  • The receiver consists of a two-level receive buffer (DATA) and a Shift register. Data and clock recovery units ensure robust synchronization and noise filtering during asynchronous data reception. It includes frame error, buffer overflow, and parity error detection.

When the USART is set in one-wire mode, the transmitter and the receiver share the same TxD I/O pin.

When the USART is set in Master SPI mode, all USART-specific logic is disabled, leaving the transmit and receive buffers, Shift registers, and Baud Rate Generator enabled. Pin control and interrupt generation are identical in both modes. The registers are used in both modes, but their functionality differs for some control settings.

An IRCOM module can be enabled for one USART to support IrDA 1.4 physical compliant pulse modulation and demodulation for baud rates up to 115.2 kbps.

The USART can be linked to the Configurable Custom Logic unit (CCL). When used with the CCL, the TxD/RxD data can be encoded/decoded before the signal is fed into the USART receiver or after the signal is output from the transmitter when the USART is connected to CCL LUT outputs.

This device provides one instance of the USART peripheral, USART0.