11.5.7 16 MHz Oscillator Calibration B

Offset: 0x12
Reset: Based on FUSE.OSCCFG
Property: Configuration Change Protection

Bit 76543210 
 LOCK   TEMPCAL20M[3:0] 
Access RR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset xxxxx 

Bit 7 – LOCK Oscillator Calibration Locked by Fuse

When this bit is set, the calibration settings in CLKCTRL.OSC20MCALIBA and CLKCTRL.OSC20MCALIBB cannot be changed.

The Reset, the value is loaded from the OSCLOCK bit in the Oscillator Configuration Fuse (FUSE.OSCCFG).

Bits 3:0 – TEMPCAL20M[3:0] Oscillator Temperature Coefficient Calibration

These bits tune the slope of the temperature compensation.

At Reset, the factory calibrated values are loaded based on the FREQSEL bits in FUSE.OSCCFG.