21.5.9 Event Control

Offset: 0x09
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 

Bits 2:1 – EVACT[1:0] Event Action

These bits define what type of event action the counter will increment or decrement.

0x0 EVACT_POSEDGE Count on positive edge event
0x1 EVACT_ANYEDGE Count on any edge event
0x2 EVACT_HIGHLVL Count on prescaled clock while event line is 1.
0x3 EVACT_UPDOWN Count on prescaled clock. The Event controls the count direction. Up-counting when the event line is 0, down-counting when the event line is 1.

Bit 0 – CNTEI Enable Count on Event Input

0 Counting on Event input is disabled
1 Counting on Event input is enabled according to EVACT bit field