8-Bit PWM Mode
This timer can be configured to run in 8-bit PWM mode where each of the register pairs in the 16-bit Compare/Capture register (TCBn.CCMPH and TCBn.CCMPL) are used as individual compare registers. The counter will continuously count from zero to CCMPL and the output will be set at BOTTOM and cleared when the counter reaches CCMPH.
When this peripheral is enabled and in PWM mode, changing the value of the
Compare/Capture register will change the output, but the transition may output invalid
values. It is hence recommended to:
- Disable the peripheral.
- Write Compare/Capture register to {CCMPH, CCMPL}.
- Write 0x0000 to count register.
- Re-enable the module.
For different capture register values the output values are:
CCMPL = 0 Output = 0
- CCMPH = 0 Output = 0
- 0 < CCMPH ≤ 0xFF Output = 1 for CCMPH cycles, low for the rest of the period
For 0 < CCMPL < 0xFF
- CCMPH = 0 Output = 0
- If 0 < CCMPH ≤ CCMPL Output = 1 for CCMPH cycles, low for the rest of the period
- CCMPH = CCMPL + 1 Output = 1