43.32 Zigbee® RF Characteristics

Table 43-44. WBZ45 Zigbee RF Characteristics
AC CharacteristicsStandard Operating Conditions: VDDIO = VDDANA 1.9V to 3.6V (unless otherwise stated) Operating Temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial Temp

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C for Extended Temp
Param. No.SymbolCharacteristicsMin.Typ.(1,2)Max.UnitsConditions
ZBG1FREQFrequency range24052480MHz
ZBG2FCHChannel spacing5MHz
ZBG3PSDUBit rate250kbps
ZBT1TXOPMPATransmit output power MPA11.67dBm
ZBT2TXOPLPATransmit output power LPA3.95dBm
ZBT3POWERRANGEOutput power range-1412dBm
ZBT4EVMError vector magnitude10%RMS
ZBT5MPA2HARSecond harmonic from MPA-47.2dBm
ZBT6MPA3HARThird harmonic from MPA-45.1dBm
ZBT7LPA2HARSecond harmonic from LPA-57.8dBm
ZBT8LPA3HARThird harmonic from LPA-52.9dBm
ZBRX1SENS250Receiver sensitivity in 250 kbps-100dBm
SENS500Receiver sensitivity in 500 kbps-96dBm
SENS1MReceiver sensitivity in 1 Mbps-94dBm
SENS2MReceiver sensitivity in 2 Mbps-88dBm
ZBRX2PMAXMaximum input level 0dBm
ZBRX3PACRPAdjacent channel rejection +5 MHz35dB
ZBRX4PACRNAdjacent channel rejection -5 MHz31dB
ZBRX5PALRPAlternate channel rejection +10 MHz47dB
ZBRX6PALRNAlternate channel rejection -10 MHz47dB
ZBRX7LOLEAKLO leakage-28/-34dB
ZBRX8RSSIRANGEDynamic range of RSSI40dB
ZBRX10RSSIBASEVALMinimum value of RSSI-103dBm
  1. Measured on a board based on the Microchip Technology reference design.
  2. Measured across channels at 3.3V and according to the 802.15.4 standard specifications.
  3. Measured across channels and voltages.
  4. LO leakage on LPA mode, measured across voltage.
  5. All results are based on measurement conditions as per the 802.15.4 standards.
Table 43-45. WBZ451H Zigbee RF Characteristics
AC CharacteristicsStandard Operating Conditions: VDDIO = VDDANA 1.9V to 3.6V (unless otherwise stated) Operating Temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +70°C for Commercial

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial Temp
Param. No.SymbolCharacteristicsMin.Typ.Max.UnitsConditions
ZBG1FREQFrequency range24052480MHz
ZBG2FCHChannel spacing5MHz
ZBG3PSDUBit rate250kbps
ZBT1TXOPWBZ451HTransmit output power at 3.3V19.9dBm
Transmit output power at 2.5V18.7dBm
Transmit output power at 1.9V16.9dBm
ZBT2POWERRANGEOutput power range-2620dBm
ZBT3EVMError vector magnitude10%RMS
ZBT4WBZ451H2HARSecond harmonic from WBZ451H-41dBm
ZBT5WBZ451H3HARThird harmonic from WBZ451H-45dBm
ZBRX1SENSReceiver sensitivity in 250 kbps-104.1dBm
Receiver sensitivity in 500 kbps-99.7dBm
Receiver sensitivity in 1 Mbps-97.2dBm
Receiver sensitivity in 2 Mbps-91.2dBm
ZBRX2PMAXMaximum input level-20dBm
ZBRX3PACRPAdjacent channel rejection +5 MHz36dB
ZBRX4PACRNAdjacent channel rejection -5 MHz32dB
ZBRX5PALRPAlternate channel rejection +10 MHz15dB
ZBRX6PALRNAlternate channel rejection -10 MHz15dB
ZBRX7LOLEAKLO leakage-26dB
ZBRX8RSSIRANGEDynamic range of RSSI40dB
ZBRX10RSSIBASEVALMinimum value of RSSI-100dBm
  1. Sensitivity related items are covering voltage range from 1.9V to 3.6V.
  2. Except dedicated voltage condition case, the TX related items are operating voltage from 1.9V to 3.6V.
Table 43-46. WBZ45 Zigbee LPA RF Characteristics
AC CharacteristicsStandard Operating Conditions: VDDIO = VDDANA 1.9V to 3.6V (unless otherwise stated) Operating temperature -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C for Extended Temp
Param. No.SymbolCharacteristicsMin.Typ.Max.UnitsConditions
ZBLG1FREQFrequency range24052480MHz
ZBLG2FCHChannel spacing5MHz
ZBLT2TXOPLPATransmit output power LPA5.38dBm
ZBLT3POWERRANGEOutput power range-165.5dB
ZBLT4EVMError vector magnitude10%RMS
ZBLT7LPA2HARSecond harmonic from LPA-53dBmConductive measurement
ZBLT8LPA3HARThird harmonic from LPA-49dBmConductive measurement
ZBLRX1SENSReceiver sensitivity in 250 kbps-101dBm
Receiver sensitivity in 500 kbps-97dBm
Receiver sensitivity in 1 Mbps-95dBm
Receiver sensitivity in 2 Mbps-89dBm
ZBLRX2PMAXMaximum input level 0dBm
ZBLRX8RSSIRANGEDynamic range of RSSI40dB
  1. Measured on a board based on the Microchip Technology reference design.
  2. Measured across channels at 3.3V and according to the 802.15.4 standard specifications.
  3. Specified value is the margin above the 802.15.4 standard limits.
  4. Measured across channels and voltages.
  5. LO leakage on LPA mode, measured across voltage.
  6. All results are based on measurement conditions as per the 802.15.4 standards.
Table 43-47. WBZ45 Zigbee RF Current Characteristics
AC CharacteristicsStandard Operating Conditions: VDDIO = VDDANA 1.9V to 3.6V (unless otherwise stated) Operating Temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial Temp

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C for Extended Temp
Param. No.SymbolCharacteristicsCPU FrequencyMin.Typ.Max.UnitsConditions
IZBTX1IDDTXMPACurrent consumption at +12 dBm output power in DC-DC mode 250 kbps64 MHz43.3mA
IZBTX4Current consumption at +12 dBm output power in MLDO mode64 MHz96.4mA
IZBTX7IDDTXLPACurrent consumption at +4 dBm output power in DC-DC mode 250 kbps64 MHz27.3mA
IZBTX10Current consumption at +12 dBm output power in MLDO mode64 MHz51.7mA
IZBRX1IDDRXZBCurrent consumption at RX signal level -95 dBm in DC-DC mode64 MHz19.4mA
IZBRX4Current consumption at RX signal level -95 dBm in MLDO mode64 MHz38.5mA
IZBRX1IDDRXZBRPCCurrent consumption at RX signal level -95 dBm in DC-DC mode64 MHz13.6mA
IZBRX4Current consumption at RX signal level -95 dBm in MLDO mode64 MHz29mA
  • Current consumption is measured on a board based upon the Microchip Technology Reference Design.
  • Current consumption is for the entire SoC (including the MCU).
  • Current reported is the average of the current during the transmit burst (exclude off cycle of the transmission).
Table 43-48. WBZ451H Zigbee RF Current Characteristics
AC CharacteristicsStandard Operating Conditions: VDDIO = VDDANA 1.9V to 3.6V (unless otherwise stated) Operating Temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial Temp
Param. No.SymbolCharacteristicsCPU FrequencyMin.Typ.Max.UnitsConditions
IZBTX1IDDTXWBZ451HCurrent consumption at +20 dBm output power in DC-DC mode 250 kbps64 MHz146.7mA
IZBTX248 MHz144.3mA
IZBTX3IDDTXWBZ451HCurrent consumption at +15 dBm output power in DC-DC mode 250 kbps64 MHz93.1mA
IZBTX448 MHz91.1mA
IZBTX5Current consumption at +15 dBm output power in MLDO mode64 MHz98.7mA
IZBTX648 MHz96.8mA
IZBTX7IDDTXWBZ451HCurrent consumption at +10 dBm output power in DC-DC mode 250 kbps64 MHz69.7mA
IZBTX848 MHz67.8mA
IZBTX9Current consumption at +10 dBm output power in MLDO mode64 MHz80.1mA
IZBTX1048 MHz77.8mA
IZBTX11IDDTXWBZ451HCurrent consumption at 0 dBm output power in DC-DC mode 250 kbps64 MHz45.5mA
IZBTX1248 MHz44.3mA
IZBTX13Current consumption at 0 dBm output power in MLDO mode64 MHz59.8mA
IZBTX1448 MHz57.8mA
IZBTX15IDDTXBYPCurrent consumption at -4 dBm output power in DC-DC mode 250 kbps64 MHz24.7mA
IZBTX1648 MHz23.6mA
IZBTX17Current consumption at -4 dBm output power in MLDO mode64 MHz47.3mA
IZBTX1848 MHz45.1mA
IZBRX1IDDRXZBCurrent consumption at RX signal level -95 dBm in DC-DC mode64 MHz25.2mA
IZBRX248 MHz24.2mA
IZBRX3Current consumption at RX signal level -95 dBm in MLDO mode64 MHz42.6mA
IZBRX448 MHz40.5mA
IZBRX5IDDRXZBRPCCurrent consumption at RX signal level -95dBm in DC-DC mode64 MHz25.2mA
IZBRX648 MHz24.2mA
IZBRX7Current consumption at RX signal level -95 dBm in MLDO mode64 MHz42.7mA
IZBRX848 MHz40.3mA
  1. DC-DC mode operation in 3.3V; MLDO mode operation in 1.9V.
Table 43-49. WBZ45 Zigbee RF Current LPA Characteristics
AC CharacteristicsStandard Operating Conditions: VDDIO = VDDANA 1.9V to 3.6V (unless otherwise stated) Operating Temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial Temp

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C for Extended Temp
Param. No.SymbolCharacteristicsCPU FrequencyMin.Typ.Max.UnitsConditions
IZBTX1IDDTXMPACurrent consumption at +5.5 dBm output power in DC-DC mode 250 kbps64 MHz24.5mAVDD = 3.3V
IZBTX4Current consumption at +5.5 dBm output power in MLDO mode64 MHz47.4mAVDD = 3.3V
IZBTX7IDDTXLPACurrent consumption at 0 dBm output power in DC-DC mode 250 kbps64 MHz22.3mAVDD = 3.3V
IZBTX10Current consumption at 0 dBm output power in MLDO mode64 MHz39.9mAVDD = 3.3V
IZBRX1IDDRXZBCurrent consumption at RX signal level -95 dBm in DC-DC mode64 MHz21.3mAVDD = 3.3V
IZBRX4Current consumption at RX signal level -95 dBm in MLDO mode64 MHz39.5mAVDD = 3.3V
IZBRX1IDDRXZBRPCCurrent consumption at RX signal level -95 dBm in DC-DC mode64 MHz14.8mAVDD = 3.3V
IZBRX4Current consumption at RX signal level -95 dBm in MLDO mode64 MHz29.7mAVDD = 3.3V
Figure 43-42. Module Zigbee Receive Sensitivity vs. Temperature
  • Receiver sensitivity is measured based on the 802.15.4 specifications.
  • Receiver sensitivity is measured at 2440 MHz at 3.6V, 250 kbps.
  • Measured after receiver calibration.
Figure 43-43. Module Zigbee Receive Sensitivity vs. Frequency
  • RX sensitivity across channels is measured at 3.6V at 25℃, 250 kbps.
  • Sensitivity is measured according to the 802.15.4 specifications.
Figure 43-44. Zigbee TX Setting vs. Measurement Power
  • Transmit power is measured after calibration.
  • Transmit power is measured across power levels at 2440 MHz at 3.6V, 25℃.
  • Transmit power is measured after the PA matching and LPF.
Figure 43-45. Zigbee ACR +-5M Margin
  • Adjacent channel rejection is measured at 3.6V at 25℃, 250 kbps.
  • Measured based on the 802.15.4 adjacent channel relative jamming specification.
  • Margin specified is the margin above the 802.15.4 specifications.
  • Measured after receiver calibration.
Figure 43-46. Zigbee ACR +-10M Margin
  • Adjacent channel rejection is measured at 3.6V at 25℃, 250 kbps.
  • Measured based on the 802.15.4 adjacent channel relative jamming specification.
  • Margin specified is the margin above the 802.15.4 specifications.
  • Measured after receiver calibration.
Figure 43-47. Zigbee Receive Sensitivity vs. Temperature
  • Receiver sensitivity is measured based on the 802.15.4 specifications.
  • Sensitivity measured at 3.6V, 25℃ on 2440 MHz across temperature, 250 kbps.
  • Measured after receiver calibration.
Figure 43-48. Zigbee Receive Sensitivity vs. Frequency
  • RX sensitivity is measured across channels at 3.6V at 25℃, 250 kbps.
  • Sensitivity is measured according to the 802.15.4 specifications.
  • Sensitivity is measured after RX calibration.
Figure 43-49. Zigbee Receive Sensitivity vs. VDD Supply Voltage
  • RX sensitivity is measured at 2440 MHz at 25℃ across voltage, 250 kbps.
  • Sensitivity is measured according to the 802.15.4 specifications.
  • Sensitivity is measured after RX calibration.
Figure 43-50. Zigbee Receive Current vs. Temperature
  • Receiver operating at 2440 MHz, 3.3V, 25℃ at maximum LNA gain.
  • Measured after receiver calibration.
Figure 43-51. Zigbee Transmit Power vs Frequency
  • Transmit power is measured after calibration.
  • Transmit power is measured across the channels at 3.6V at 25℃.
  • Transmit power is measured after the PA matching and LPF.
Figure 43-52. Zigbee Transmit Power vs Temperature
  • Transmit power is measured after calibration.
  • Transmit power is measured at 2440 MHz at 3.6V across temperature.
  • Transmit power is measured after the PA matching and LPF.
  • Transmit power compensation is triggered before measurement across temperature.
Figure 43-53. Zigbee Transmit Power vs. VDD Supply Voltage
  • Transmit power is measured after calibration.
  • Transmit power is measured across voltage at 2440 MHz and 25℃.
  • Transmit power is measured on reference board after the PA matching and LPF.
Figure 43-54. Zigbee Transmit Current vs. Temperature
  • Transmit current is measured at input to SoC (includes SoC power consumption).
  • Transmit current is measured at 2440 MHz at 3.3V (Buck mode).

  • Transmit power is calibrated to +12 dBm (± 0.5 dBm on MPA mode).