2 Microchip MPLAB® Harmony 3 Release Notes

AWS Cloud Release Notes v3.2.0

Known Issues

Issue DescriptionWorkaround
For SAME70, PIC32MZ and SAMG55, the I2C baud rate generated by cryptoauthlib is inconsistent (has 3 additional zeros) and needs to match with speed configured in the peripheral.Remove the additional zeros in baud rate configuration of the peripheral in ATECC608_0.c
The SAMG55 FreeRTOS NVIC Priority configuration is incorrect, causing XSemaphoreGiveFromISR to assert.Set NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping to zero in pblic_nvic.c
After Programming with MPLAB 5.45, data on PKOB based UART in curiosity 2 PIC32MZEF board is not received correctly, so use MPLAB 5.40 for Programming Curiosity 2 boardFor Programming Curiosity 2 PIC32MZEF, use MPLAB v5.40

AWS Cloud Release Notes v3.1.0

Known Issues

  • Same as 3.0.0

AWS Cloud Release Notes v3.0.0

Known Issues

  • PIC32MZ Ethernet MAC driver does not provide configuration option to configure Unicast Hash and Multicast Hash filter. It must be enabled manually by changing the configuration macro to connect to AWS cloud.