2.3 Design Documentation and Relevant Links
The following list contains links to the most relevant documents and software for the PIC18F47K42 Curiosity Nano:
- MPLAB® X IDE - MPLAB® X IDE is a software program that runs on a PC (Windows®, Mac OS®, Linux®) to develop applications for Microchip microcontrollers and digital signal controllers. It is called an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) because it provides a single integrated “environment” to develop code for embedded microcontrollers.
- MPLAB® Xpress Cloud-based IDE - MPLAB® Xpress Cloud-Based IDE is an online development environment that contains the most popular features of our award-winning MPLAB X IDE. This simplified and distilled application is a faithful reproduction of our desktop-based program, which allows users to easily transition between the two environments.
- MPLAB® Code Configurator - MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) is a free software plug-in that provides a graphical interface to configure peripherals and functions specific to your application.
- Microchip Sample Store - Microchip sample store where you can order samples of devices.
- Data Visualizer - Data Visualizer is a program used for processing and visualizing data. The Data Visualizer can receive data from various sources such as the EDBG Data Gateway Interface found on Curiosity Nano and Xplained Pro boards and COM Ports.
- PIC18F47K42 Curiosity Nano website - Kit information, latest user guide and design documentation.
- PIC18F47K42 Curiosity Nano on microchipDIRECT - Purchase this kit on microchipDIRECT.