Core Independent Operation Using
12-Bit Timer/Counter Type D (TCD) to Drive a Fan Motor
Core Independent TCD Fault Handling
Using Event System (EVSYS), Analog Comparator (AC), and Digital-to-Analog Converter
Using Charlieplexing Technique to
Drive a Large Number of LEDs with a Low Number of Pins, using 16-Bit Timer/Counter
Type B (TCB) and Priority Interrupt
Core Independent Watchdog Timer (WDT)
in Window Mode
Real-Time Counter Periodic Interrupt
Board Controller with Touch Slider
using the Peripheral Touch Controller (PTC) to Adjust Voltage to ATtiny3217,
Demonstrating Voltage Level Monitor (VLM) interrupt, Brown-out Detector (BOD), and
Power-on Reset (POR)
Onboard Mini Embedded Debugger
(mEDBG) for Programming and Debugging
The online versions of the documents are provided as a courtesy. Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF documentation found on the device product page.