Transparent Credit Based Control Point (TRCBCP) Characteristic

To ensure the data transmission throughput of Data Pipe over LE L2CAP CoC with Credit Based flow control, TRCBCP characteristic can be utilized as a Control Pipe. Both of Transparent Credit Based Client and Server can send the control command/response via TRCBCP characteristic.

Before performing a Transparent Credit Based Control Point procedure, the Transparent Credit Based Client shall configure the Transparent Credit Based Control Point (TRCBCP) characteristic for notifications (i.e., via the Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor).

When Transparent Credit Based Client would like to send the control command to Transparent Credit Based Server, the Transparent Client shall Write a Characteristic Value to the TRCBCP Characteristic.

When Transparent Credit Based Server would like to reply the control command to Transparent Credit Based Client, the Transparent Credit Based Server shall perform a Notification with a Characteristic Value to the TRCBCP Characteristic.