32.5.6 Status

Offset: 0x07
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access RRRR/W 
Reset 0000 

Bits 7:6 – WINSTATE[1:0] Window State

When the window function is enabled, these flags indicate the current status of the input signal with respect to the window.

Not valid when the Window mode is disabled.

Table 32-6. Window State Settings
Value Name Description
0x0 ABOVE Above window
0x1 INSIDE Inside window
0x2 BELOW Below window
Other - Reserved

Bit 4 – CMPSTATE AC State

If this bit is ‘1’, the OUT signal is high. If this bit is ‘0’, the OUT signal is low. In Window mode, and if this bit is ‘1’, the Window state matches the selected Interrupt mode (INTMODE) bit field. If INTMODE is ‘OUTSIDE’, both ‘ABOVE’ and ‘BELOW’ are valid matches. It will have a synchronizer delay to get updated in the I/O register (three cycles).

Bit 0 – CMPIF AC Interrupt Flag

This bit is ‘1’ when the OUT signal matches the Interrupt Mode (INTMODE) bit field as defined in the ACn.INTCTRL register. Writing a ‘1’ to this flag bit location will clear the flag.