3 Known Issues

MCC has the following known issues:

  • Content issues:
    • SAM B11 projects can currently not be imported in IAR Embedded Workbench or Keil μVision due to the general SAM B11 support in theses tools
    • The timer driver on SAM C, SAM D, and SAM L device series can only be used with even numbered TC instances
    • The PWM driver on SAM C, SAM D, and SAM L device series used on a TC module shows that WO/0 is available even though it only supports 16- and 32-bit mode, which don't support WO/0 output signal
    • The PWM driver on SAM C, SAM D, and SAM L device series used on a TCC module always show eight available WO signals even though it depends on the TCC instance
    • The timer driver on SAM C, SAM D, and SAM L device series used on a TC module should not show the WO/n output pin configuration
    • The timer driver on SAM C, SAM D, and SAM L device series used on a TCC module should not show the WO/n output pin configuration
    • The DAC driver on SAM C, SAM D, and SAM L device series needs an even to work, but there is not an even system driver available in the framework
    • Not all driver APIs follow a consistent naming style
    • Some drivers and examples are missing documentation
    • Initialization sequence is not the same for all drivers
    • TC1 and TC2 instance is missing in SAME70xxxB and SAMS70xxxB 100 pin and 64 pin package
    • TC module signal numbers are not sync with datasheet for SAME70xxxB and SAMS70xxxB 100 pin and 64 pin package
    • Few GMAC bit fields missing for SAME70xxxB
    • USBHS_HSTCTRL register bit SPDCONF 2 values are missing in SAME70xxxB and SAMS70xxxB
    • Unused value group for XDMAC register are removed for SAME70xxxB and SAMS70xxxB
    • In Atmel Studio project exported from START, need to change the device to Rev A first, before the EDBG tool is recognizable by the Studio, after the correct EDBG tool is selected, change the device back to Rev B, then it's ok to program and debug. EDBG is not updated to support Rev B device on SAME70-XPRO properly. See below migration guide to generate SAME70 Rev A example from SAM E70 Rev B example.
  • Feature issues:
    • Firefox may give an "Unresponsive script" warning when opening large examples. Select "continue" to complete the loading process. To avoid this issue you can either adjust the Firefox Timeout setting or use the Chrome browser.
    • Atmel Studio 7 sometimes fails to import an MCC project (.atzip). This is a known issue and the only workaround is to restart Atmel Studio and import the .atzip file again. Also make sure that you have the latest version of the MCC extension (possible updates are available from the Atmel Gallery).
    • Clock settings specific for a driver will be reset to default when changing the driver's instance. Example: a user will lose configured clock settings for a USART if the user switches from SERCOM0 to SERCOM1.
    • For calculated values like baud rate in the USART driver, the user does not get any feedback if the setting is not likely to work