40.1 Rev. A - 12/2020

Section Changes
  • Initial document release
The content for the devices described in this document has been restructured from:
  • ATtiny212/412 Data Sheet
  • ATtiny214/414/814 Data Sheet
  • ATtiny416/816 Data Sheet
  • ATtiny417/817 Data Sheet
  • ATtiny212/214/412/414/416 Data Sheet (this document)
  • ATtiny417/814/816/817 Data Sheet
Refer to 40.2 Appendix - Obsolete Revision History for further details.

The following items are referring to changes between the latest revisions of the obsolete documents and this document:

  • Updated the document to Microchip editing standard
  • Updated terminology used throughout data sheet:
    • Master is replaced by host
    • Slave is replaced by client
  • Removed related links
  • Removed the Acronyms and Abbreviations section
  • Removed the content of the Instruction Set Summary section. This section now refers to the external Instruction Set Manual instead.
  • Removed device-specific information from peripheral sections
  • Restructured sections related to system dependencies within the peripheral sections
  • Device-specific information is restructured/changed to comply with the devices documented in this document
    • Features
    • Pinout
    • I/O Multiplexing and Considerations
    • Ordering Information
    • Package Drawings
  • Block diagram updated
  • Pinout diagrams updated:
    • 8-Pin SOIC
    • 14-Pin SOIC
    • 20-Pin SOIC
    • 20-Pin VQFN
  • Memories
    • Flash and the Three Sections figure added(3)
    • Memory Map figure updated
    • Memory Section Access from CPU and UPDI on Locked Device section added
    • Fuse Description section updated with factory-programmed default values
  • Peripherals and Architecture
    • Peripheral Address Match table updated
    • Interrupt Vector Mapping table updated
      • Base Address column renamed to Program Address (word)
      • Peripheral Source column cleaned up
      • Definition column renamed to Description and cleaned up
  • Package Drawings
    • Drawing Numbers table updated
    • Tables removed as the information is available on the Microchip website:
      • Device Package and Maximum Weight
      • Package Characteristics
      • Package Reference
    • Thermal Considerations section updated and moved inside the Package Drawings section
  • Updated Features section
  • Removed duplicate information after the AVR CPU architecture
  • Emphasized that the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is doing its operations against working registers in the register file
  • Added Stack Pointer Instructions table
  • Restructured and improved documentation in the following sections:
    • Register File
    • X-, Y-, and Z-Registers
    • Accessing 16-bit Registers
  • Added Accessing 24-Bit Registers section
  • Added On-Chip Debug Capabilities section
  • Updated bit names in the Status Register (SREG):
    • From Bit Copy Storage to Transfer Bit
    • From Sign Bit to Sign Flag
  • Updated NVMCTRL Block Diagram figure
  • Write Access After Reset section added
  • Updated CLKCTRL Block Diagram figure(1,2)
  • Updated Signal Description section(1,2)
  • Updated Main Clock and Prescaler figure(1)
  • Updated External Clock Sources section(1)
  • Added 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator (XOSC32K) section(1)
  • Updated CLKSEL bit field in MCLKCTRLA register(1)
  • Added XOSC32KS bit in MCLKSTATUS(1)
  • Added XOSC32KCTRLA register(1)
  • Updated Sleep Mode Activity Overview tables
  • Updated Block Diagram figure
  • Figures added:
    • MCU Start-up, RESET Tied to VDD
    • Brown-out Detector Reset
    • External Reset Characteristics
    • Watchdog Reset
    • Software Reset
  • Added Domains Affected By Reset section
  • Added Minimum Interrupt Response Time table
  • General improvement of the documentation and its structure
  • Register names updated
    • From ASYNCCH to ASYNCCHn
    • From SYNCCH to SYNCCHn
  • Bit field descriptions updated
  • Updated Block Diagram figure
  • Added Asynchronous Sensing Pin Properties added
  • Added Event Generators in PORTx table
  • General improvement of the documentation and its structure
  • Block diagram updated
  • Offset in the Available Interrupt Vectors and Sources table removed
  • Name column added to bit field description tables:
  • Updated values in the CTRLA.PERIOD bit field description
  • Updated Block Diagram figure
  • Updated Timer/Counter Clock Logic figure
  • Updated Signal Description table
  • Update Single-Slope Pulse-Width Modulation figure
  • Updated Timer/Counter Block Diagram Split Mode figure
  • Added Event Generators in TCA table
  • Added Event Users in TCA table
  • Removed offset in the Available Interrupt Vectors and Sources in Normal Mode and Available Interrupt Vectors and Sources in Split mode tables
  • Combined tables for the CTRLB.WGMODE bit field into one
  • Added bit fields:
  • General improvement of the documentation and its structure
  • Updated Block Diagram figure
  • Timer/Counter Clock Logic figure added
  • Figures updated:
    • Periodic Interrupt Mode
    • Time-Out Check Mode
    • Input Capture on Event
    • Input Capture Frequency Measurement
    • Input Capture Pulse-Width Measurement
    • Input Capture Frequency and Pulse-Width Measurement
    • Single-Shot Mode
    • 8-Bit PWM Mode
  • Added Event Generators in TCB table
  • Added Event Users and Available Event Actions in TCB table
  • Removed offset in the Available Interrupt Vectors and Sources table
  • Name column added to bit field description tables:
  • Updated Block Diagram figure
  • Added Event Generators in TCD table
  • Added Event Users and Available Event Actions in TCD table
  • Removed offset in the Available Interrupt Vectors and Sources table
  • Added name column to bit field description tables:
  • General improvement of the documentation and its structure
  • Updated Block Diagram figure
  • Event Generators in RTC table added
  • Removed offset in the Available Interrupt Vectors and Sources table
  • Added name column to the bit field description table for CLKSEL.CLKSEL
  • General improvement of the documentation and its structure
  • Added information about TXD buffer in:
    • Block Diagram figure
    • Overview section
    • Data Transmission section
  • Event Generators in USART table added
  • Event Users in USART table added
  • Offset in the Available Interrupt Vectors and Sources table removed
  • General improvement of the documentation and its structure
  • Updated terminology:
    • Master is replaced by host
    • Slave is replaced by client
  • Updated Block Diagram figure
  • Added Event Generators in SPI table
  • Removed offset in the Available Interrupt Vectors and Sources table
  • Interrupt Flags register separate for Normal and Buffer mode
  • General improvement of the documentation and its structure
  • Updated terminology:
    • Master is replaced by host
    • Slave is replaced by client
  • Offset in the Available Interrupt Vectors and Sources table removed
  • Name column added to bit field description tables:
  • General improvement of the documentation and its structure
  • Updated terminology:
    • Master is replaced by host
    • Slave is replaced by client
  • Updated Block Diagram figure(1)
  • Offset in the Available Interrupt Vectors and Sources table removed
  • Updated Block Diagram figure
  • Replaced Lookup Table Logic section with Truth Table Logic section
  • Updated Clock Source Settings figure
  • Updated bit field description of TRUTHn.TRUTHn
  • DACREF removed as an internal input
  • Updated Block Diagram figure
  • Moved Definitions to ADC Parameter Definitions in Conventions section
  • Removed PTC Operation section(2,3)
  • Removed offset in the Available Interrupt Vectors and Sources table
  • Updated the CTRLA.MUXPOS bit field description
  • Removed repeating notes "Only DAC0 has an output driver for an external pin"
  • PTC section removed (2,3)
  • Updated figures:
    • UPDI Clock Domains
    • UPDI Instruction Set Overview
    • LDS Instruction Operation
    • STS Instruction Operation
    • LD Instruction Operation
    • ST Instruction Operation
    • LCDS Instruction Operation
    • STCS Instruction Operation
    • REPEAT Instruction Operation
    • Inter Delay Example with LD and RPT
  • Added sections:
    • BREAK in One-Wire mode
    • SYNCH and SYNCH in One-Wire mode
  • Extended and improved the documentation related to enabling the UPDI peripheral
  • Extended and improved the documentation related to disabling the UPDI peripheral
  • Renamed the UPDI Enable with 12V Override of RESET pin section to UPDI Enable with High-Voltage Override of RESET pin
  • Added the REPEAT Used With LD Instruction Operation figure
  • Added Event Generators in UPDI table
  • Removed implementation-specific details that are considered as not useful for the end users
Electrical Characterization
  • Added Maximum Frequency vs. VDD for [-40, 125]°C, Extended Temperature Range figure
  • Added maximum numbers to the Power Consumption section
  • Rounded numbers in the Peripherals Power Consumption table
  • Added TCD section
  • Updated TWI - Timing Requirements figure
  • Updated numbers for tOF in the TWI - Timing Characteristics table
  • Added typical values for tHD;STA, tSU;STA, tSU;STO and tBUF
  • Added SDA Hold Time table
  • Added TEMPSENSE section
  • Updated Accuracy Characteristics table for DAC
  • Updated tables in the AC section
  • Removed PTC section(2,3)
  • Added UPDI Max. Bit Rates vs. VDD table
  • Replaced Chip Erase with Chip Erase with UPDI in the Programming Times table
Typical Characterization
  • Updated Power Consumption plots
  • Added Temperature Sensor Error vs. Temperature ±3σ figure
  • Added TWI SDA Hold Time vs. Temperature figure
  • Removed PTC Characteristics section(2,3)
  1. Change only applies when compared to ATtiny212/412 Data Sheet (DS40001911C).
  2. Change only applies when compared to ATtiny412/414/814 Data Sheet (DS40001912C).
  3. Change only applies when compared to ATtiny416/816 Data Sheet (DS40001913C).