Define Triggers

Define stimulus triggers in each row of this section as shown in the table below, with reference to the conditions set up in “Define Conditions”.

Table 1. Definitions of Stimulus Triggers
Item Definition
Enable Alternately enable or disable the trigger setup in this row.
Condition Refers to the label of the condition set up in the “Define Conditions” section of this tab. Select a condition from the list.
Type Select whether the trigger condition will apply once (1x) or continuously/ repeatedly (Cont).
Re-Arm Delay If Type = Cont, then enter a delay until the trigger condition is checked again. The delay value is entered in the first column and the delay value unit is selected in the second column.
Click here to Add Signals Click on the column title to open the Add/Remove Pin/Registers Dialog.

In this dialog, you select the pins, registers or other signals to which you will apply stimulus. These selections will become the titles of the columns.

To scroll through signals:

Note: The columns to the left of the signal column(s) remains fixed when you scroll through the signal columns.

For the condition set up in Define Conditions, COND1, set up the following stimulus trigger:

  1. 1.Make the pin RB0 high when the COND1 is met (see the figure below).
  2. 2.Wait 10 instruction cycles and check for the condition again. If and when it occurs, make pin RB0 high again.
  3. 3.Repeat step 2 until the program is halted.
Figure 1. Make Pin High on Register Value