32kHz Ultra Low Power Internal Oscillator (OSCULP32K) Operation

The OSCULP32K provides a tunable, low-speed and ultra-low-power clock source. The OSCULP32K is factory-calibrated under typical voltage and temperature conditions. The OSCULP32K should be preferred to the OSC32K whenever the power requirements are prevalent over frequency stability and accuracy.

The OSCULP32K can be used as a source for the generic clock generators, as described in the GCLK – Generic Clock Controller.

The OSCULP32K is enabled by default after a power-on reset (POR) and will always run except during POR. The OSCULP32K has a 32.768kHz output and a 1.024kHz output that are always running.

The frequency of the OSCULP32K oscillator is controlled by the value in the 32kHz Ultra Low Power Internal Oscillator Calibration bits (OSCULP32K.CALIB) in the 32kHz Ultra Low Power Internal Oscillator Control register. OSCULP32K.CALIB is automatically loaded from Flash Factory Calibration during startup, and is used to compensate for process variation, as described in the Electrical Characteristics. The calibration value can be overridden by the user by writing to OSCULP32K.CALIB.