Interrupt Enable Set

This register allows the user to enable an interrupt without doing a read-modify-write operation. Changes in this register will also be reflected in the Interrupt Enable Clear register (INTENCLR).
  0x16 8 PAC Write-Protection 0x00  

Interrupt Enable Set

Bit  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  
Access  R/W         R/W R/W R/W  
Reset  0         0 0 0  

Bit 7 – ERROR: Error Interrupt Enable

Error Interrupt Enable

Writing '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing '1' to this bit will set the Error Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the Error interrupt.

0 Error interrupt is disabled.
1 Error interrupt is enabled.

Bit 2 – DRDY: Data Ready Interrupt Enable

Data Ready Interrupt Enable

Writing '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing '1' to this bit will set the Data Ready bit, which enables the Data Ready interrupt.

0 The Data Ready interrupt is disabled.
1 The Data Ready interrupt is enabled.

Bit 1 – AMATCH: Address Match Interrupt Enable

Address Match Interrupt Enable

Writing '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing '1' to this bit will set the Address Match Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the Address Match interrupt.

0 The Address Match interrupt is disabled.
1 The Address Match interrupt is enabled.

Bit 0 – PREC: Stop Received Interrupt Enable

Stop Received Interrupt Enable

Writing '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing '1' to this bit will set the Stop Received Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the Stop Received interrupt.

0 The Stop Received interrupt is disabled.
1 The Stop Received interrupt is enabled.