Channel Pending Interrupt

An interrupt that handles several channels should consult the INTPEND register to find out which channel number has priority (ignoring/filtering each channel that has its own interrupt line). An interrupt dedicated to only one channel must not use the INTPEND register.

  0x10 16 Secure 0x4000  

Channel Pending Interrupt

Bit  15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8  
  BUSY READY         EVD OVR  
Access  R/-/R R/-/R         RW/-/RW RW/-/RW  
Reset  0 1         0 0  
Bit  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  
Access              RW/-/RW RW/-/RW  
Reset              0 0  

Bit 15 – BUSY: Busy


This bit is read '1' when the event on a channel selected by Channel ID field (ID) has not been handled by all the event users connected to this channel.

Bit 14 – READY: Ready


This bit is read '1' when all event users connected to the channel selected by Channel ID field (ID) are ready to handle incoming events on this channel.

Bit 9 – EVD: Channel Event Detected

Channel Event Detected

This flag is set on the next CLK_EVSYS_APB cycle when an event is being propagated through the channel, and an interrupt request will be generated if CHINTENCLR/SET.EVD is '1'.

When the event channel path is asynchronous, the EVD bit will not be set.

Writing a '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing a '1' to this bit will clear it. It will also clear the corresponding flag in the Channel n Interrupt Flag Status and Clear register (CHINTFLAGn) of this peripheral, where n is determined by the Channel ID bit field (ID) in this register.

Bit 8 – OVR: Channel Overrun

Channel Overrun

This flag is set on the next CLK_EVSYS cycle after an overrun channel condition occurs, and an interrupt request will be generated if CHINTENCLR/SET.OVRx is '1'.

There are two possible overrun channel conditions:

When the event channel path is asynchronous, the OVR interrupt flag will not be set.

Writing a '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing a '1' to this bit will clear it. It will also clear the corresponding flag in the Channel n Interrupt Flag Status and Clear register (CHINTFLAGn) of this peripheral, where n is determined by the Channel ID bit field (ID) in this register.

Bits 1:0 – ID[1:0]: Channel ID

Channel ID

These bits store the channel number of the highest priority.

When the bits are written, indirect access to the corresponding Channel Interrupt Flag register is enabled.