Device Identification

The information in this register is related to the Ordering Information.

  0x0018 32 - Device Dependent  

Device Identification

Bit  31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24  
  PROCESSOR[3:0] FAMILY[4:1]  
Access  R R R R R R R R  
Reset  p p p p f f f f  
Bit  23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16  
  FAMILY[0]   SERIES[5:0]  
Access  R   R R R R R R  
Reset  f   s s s s s s  
Bit  15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8  
  DIE[3:0] REVISION[3:0]  
Access  R R R R R R R R  
Reset  d d d d r r r r  
Bit  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  
Access  R R R R R R R R  
Reset  x x x x x x x x  

Bits 31:28 – PROCESSOR[3:0]: Processor


The value of this field defines the processor used on the device.

Bits 27:23 – FAMILY[4:0]: Product Family

Product Family

The value of this field corresponds to the Product Family part of the ordering code.

Bits 21:16 – SERIES[5:0]: Product Series

Product Series

The value of this field corresponds to the Product Series part of the ordering code.

Bits 15:12 – DIE[3:0]: Die Number

Die Number

Identifies the die family.

Bits 11:8 – REVISION[3:0]: Revision Number

Revision Number

Identifies the die revision number. 0x0=rev.A, 0x1=rev.B etc.

Note: The device variant (last letter of the ordering number) is independent of the die revision (DSU.DID.REVISION): The device variant denotes functional differences, whereas the die revision marks evolution of the die.

Bits 7:0 – DEVSEL[7:0]: Device Selection

Device Selection

This bit field identifies a device within a product family and product series. Refer to Ordering Information for device configurations and corresponding values for Flash memory density, pin count, and device variant.