Channel Status

This register affects the DMA channel that is selected in the Channel ID register (CHID.ID).
  0x4F 8 - 0x00  

Channel Status

Bit  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  
            FERR BUSY PEND  
Access            R R R  
Reset            0 0 0  

Bit 2 – FERR: Channel Fetch Error

Channel Fetch Error

This bit is cleared when a software resume command is executed.

This bit is set when an invalid descriptor is fetched.

Bit 1 – BUSY: Channel Busy

Channel Busy

This bit is cleared when the channel trigger action is completed, when a bus error is detected or when the channel is disabled.

This bit is set when the DMA channel starts a DMA transfer.

Bit 0 – PEND: Channel Pending

Channel Pending

This bit is cleared when the channel trigger action is started, when a bus error is detected or when the channel is disabled. For details on trigger action settings, refer to CHCTRLB.TRIGACT.

This bit is set when a transfer is pending on the DMA channel, as soon as the transfer request is received.