Setting Up the Hardware

The following steps describe how to setup the hardware:

  1. 1.Power OFF the board using the SW7 switch.
  2. 2.Retain the default setting for J31 jumper to use the external FlashPro programmer. 
  3. 3.Connect the host PC to the J24 connector using the USB cable.
  4. 4.Connect the FlashPro programmer to J3 connector (JTAG header) and use another USB cable to connect the FlashPro programmer to the Host PC. 
  5. 5.Ensure that the USB to UART bridge drivers are automatically detected. Verify it in the device manager of the host PC.
    Note: As shown in Figure 1, the port properties of COM8 show that it is connected to USB serial port. Hence, COM8 is selected in this example. The COM port number is system specific. If the USB to UART bridge drivers are not installed, download and install the drivers from
  6. 6.Connect the power supply to J19 connector and switch ON the power supply switch SW7.