Reducing the Clock Frequency

Now let’s look at how we can reduce the power consumption of the application, and verify that it is improved.

A first thought might be to get rid of the delay loop and run the LED blinker of a timer interrupt. In addition, a simple example like this does not need to run at high-speed, so we can use the clock prescaler to run slower. The code below is included in project low_power_102.

#include<avr/io.h>#include<avr/interrupt.h>// Timer 0 ISR
ISR (TIMER0_OVF_vect){if(PORTB ==0x00){// LED is OFF, turn it on 
        PORTB =(1<<5);// Shortened timeout for on cycle
        TCNT0 =0x102;}else{// LED is ON, turn it off
        PORTB =0x00;}}intmain(void){// Change the clock prescaler
    CLKPR =(1<< CLKPCE);// Scale by DIV64
    CLKPR =(1<< CLKPS2)|(1<< CLKPS1)|(0<< CLKPS0);// Port B5 to output
    DDRB =(1<<5);// Timer0 DIV 1024 
    TCCR0B =(1<< CS02)|(1<< CS00);// Overflow interrupt enable
    TIMSK0 =(1<< TOIE0);// Interrupts onsei();// Do nothingwhile(1);}
  • Build the project/solution (F7)
  • Program the application into the target device using Start Without Debugging (Ctrl+Alt+F5)
  • Switch to Data Visualizer to see the results
The plot above was captured while reprogramming the target. What can we see from this plot?

Leaving the application to run for a few seconds should give you a plot similar to this one:

What can we see from this plot?
Result: Power consumption has been significantly improved by clocking the device slower.
Important: Because this example prescales the clock to 8 MHz/64, the ISP programming clock must be set to less than 32 kHz to be below 1/4 of the main clock when attempting to reprogram the device!