4.5.2 Signature Format
The ECDSA signature that is generated and output by the Sign
command or
input to the Verify
command is always 64 bytes in length. The
signature is divided into R and S components. Both components are 32 bytes in length and
R always appears before S on the bus. Each portion of the signature appears MSB first on
the bus, meaning the MSB of the signature is in the lowest memory location.
Example R/S Signature
Any command that returns a signature (Sign
) or accepts a signature
as a parameter (Verify
) will format the signature as the R and S
big-endian unsigned integers concatenated together for a total of 64 bytes.
For example:
R: 7337887F8C39DF79FD8BF88DDFBFB9DB15D7B1AD68196AE3FB0CE5BFA2842DF3
S: 72868A43A42831E950E1DA9F73B29F5C0ED8A96B2889E3CBBE8E61EA6C67F673