type | 1 byte | 0 = Linear Slider 1 =
Wheel | Type of scroller |
start_key | 2 bytes | 0-to-65535* | The key number which forms the first component key of
the scroller |
number_of_keys | 1 byte | 2-to-255 | The number of component keys to form the scroller.
The minimum number of keys required to make a slider is two and the
minimum number of keys to make a wheel is three. |
resol_deadband | 1 byte | Bits 7:4 = Resolution 2 to 12 bits | Full scale position resolution reported for the
scroller |
Bits 3:0 = Dead band 0% to 15% (each side) | The size of the edge correction dead bands as a
percentage of the full scale range |
position_hysteresis | 1 byte | 0-to-255 | The minimum travel distance to be reported after
contact or direction change |
contact_min_threshold | 2 bytes | 0-to-65535 | The minimum contact size measurement for persistent contact
tracking. The contact size is the sum of two neighboring keys’ touch
deltas forming the touch contact. |