1.2.4 IP1553 Peripheral Library (IP1553)
The IP1553 peripheral module is an interface commonly used in space applications. It features one nominal bus and one redundant bus to obtain reliable transfers and it can carry out data transfers at a bit rate of 1 Mbits/sec. A typical network is made of a Bus Controller (BC) and up to 31 Remote Terminals (RT). The IP1553 interface embeds two configurations of the Bus Controller or Remote Terminal as defined in the MIL-STD-1553B standard.
Configuring the library
Configure the peripheral library using the MCC.

12 MHz input clock should be configured with clock configurator.
The 1553 mode used is configurable : BC or RT mode
- RT address should be configured for RT mode.
- RT address should be configured for RT mode.
"Interrupt Mode" option can be enabled to add interface functions for interrupt support (Enable, Disable and callback register).
Using the library
The IP1553 initialization is done during system initialization. It configures the module depending on the given parameters in MCC interface.
For both modes, once the module is initialize, the receive and transmit buffers should be initialized. Application must allocate 2 buffers (one for receive and one for transmit) from non-cached contiguous memory and buffer size must be 2 Kbyte (16 bit IP1553_BUFFERS_SIZE IP1553_BUFFERS_NUM)
Code example for buffers configuration:
/* Allocation of receive buffer for IP1553 */ uint16_t IP1553RxBuffersRAM[IP1553_BUFFERS_NUM][IP1553_BUFFERS_SIZE] __attribute__((aligned (32)))__attribute__((section (".ram_nocache"))); /* Allocation of transmit buffer for IP1553 */ uint16_t IP1553TxBuffersRAM[IP1553_BUFFERS_NUM][IP1553_BUFFERS_SIZE] __attribute__((aligned (32)))__attribute__((section (".ram_nocache"))); /* Set buffers Configuration */ IP1553_BuffersConfigSet(&IP1553TxBuffersRAM[0][0], &IP1553RxBuffersRAM[0][0]);
To receive and transmit, the status of the buffers must be reset (indicate buffer is empty for RX and that buffer is ready to be sent for Tx):
/* Reset Tx and Rx status for buffers 0 and 31 */ IP1553_ResetTxBuffersStatus(0x80000001); IP1553_ResetRxBuffersStatus(0x80000001);
Bus Controller mode
Once initialized, the Bus Controller can issue data transfer or mode commands:
From BC to RT
From RT to BC
From RT to RT
After the send of the command the BC can check the status to detect the end of transmission/reception and/or possible errors flags.
Example of sending data from BC buffer 0 to RT1 buffer 3 and wait for status word:
/* Send 4 words data from BC buffer 2 to RT1 buffer 3, on Bus A */ IP1553_BcStartDataTransfer( IP1553_DATA_TX_TYPE_BC_TO_RT, 0, 2, 1, 3, 4, IP1553_BUS_A ); /* Wait for status word */ do { IP1553_INT_MASK status = IP1553_IrqStatusGet(); if ( (status & IP1553_INT_MASK_ETX) != 0 ) { isTransferEnded = true; } if ( (status & IP1553_INT_MASK_ETRANS_MASK) != 0 ) { hasStatusWord = IP1553_INT_MASK_GET_ETRANS(status); } transferErrors = status & IP1553_INT_MASK_ERROR_MASK; } while ( ( (isTransferEnded == false) || (hasStatusWord == 0) ) && (transferErrors == 0) );
Example of sending Synchronize without data
mode command to RT01 and wait for status word:
IP1553_BcModeCommandTransfer( 1, IP1553_MODE_CMD_SYNCHRONIZE_WITHOUT_DATA, 0, IP1553_BUS_A); /* Wait end of transfer */ do { IP1553_INT_MASK status = IP1553_IrqStatusGet(); if ( (status & IP1553_INT_MASK_ETRANS_MASK) != 0 ) { hasStatusWord = IP1553_INT_MASK_GET_ETRANS(status); } transferErrors = status & IP1553_INT_MASK_ERROR_MASK; } while ( (hasStatusWord == 0) && (transferErrors == 0) ); /* Get Transfer Status Word */ transferStatusWord = IP1553_GetFirstStatusWord();
Remote Terminal mode
When configured in RT mode, the 1553 module features a specific behavior depending on the command received from the 1553 network.
The status return by IP1553_IrqStatusGet
contains the information on detected errors or the end of data reception and transmission.
If the buffer read or write by the BC command were prepared (reset status to indicate empty or ready to send), the transfer is executed without error.
The functions IP1553_GetRxBuffersStatus
and IP1553_GetTxBuffersStatus
can then be used to determine the modified buffers.
Example of wait of data reception:
while ( true ) { IP1553_INT_MASK status = IP1553_IrqStatusGet(); if ( (status & IP1553_INT_MASK_ERX) == IP1553_INT_MASK_ERX ) { uint32_t lastActiveBuffers = (~(IP1553_GetRxBuffersStatus())) & 0x80000001; uint32_t buffer = 0; while ( lastActiveBuffers != 0 ) { while ( ( lastActiveBuffers & 0x1 ) == 0 ) { buffer++; lastActiveBuffers >>= 1; } printf("RX buffer : %u", (unsigned int) buffer); /* Reset Rx buffer status */ IP1553_ResetRxBuffersStatus(IP1553_BUFFER_TO_BITFIELD_SA(buffer)); /* Go to next bit in lastActiveBuffer bit field */ buffer++; lastActiveBuffers >>= 1; } } }
In RT mode, the peripheral send mode command response automatically to the Bus Controller. The following functions can be used to set the flag bits in status word sent in response:
: Value indicated in the Dynamic Bus Control bit of the status word.IP1553_SREQBitCmdSet
: Value of the Service Request bit to returned in the status word.IP1553_BusyBitCmdSet
: Value of the busy bit to be returned in the status word.IP1553_SSBitCmdSet
: Value of the Subsystem Flag bit to be returned in the status word.IP1553_TRBitCmdSet
: Value of the T/F bit to be returned in the status word.
For Transmit Built-In Test
and Transmit Vector Word
mode command, the data word sent in response can be modify using the functions:
: For Transmit Built-In Test response.IP1553_VectorWordSet
: For Transmit Vector Word response.
Using interrupts
When interrupts are used to check the IP1553 status, the interrupt callback function should be set and expected interrupts enabled:
/* Set 1553 application callback on interrupt event */ IP1553_CallbackRegister(IP1553_Callback_Function, (uintptr_t) NULL); /* Enable all IP1553 interrupts */ IP1553_InterruptEnable( IP1553_INT_MASK_EMT | IP1553_INT_MASK_MTE | IP1553_INT_MASK_ERX | IP1553_INT_MASK_ETX | IP1553_INT_MASK_ETRANS_MASK | IP1553_INT_MASK_TE | IP1553_INT_MASK_TCE | IP1553_INT_MASK_TPE | IP1553_INT_MASK_TDE | IP1553_INT_MASK_TTE | IP1553_INT_MASK_TWE | IP1553_INT_MASK_BE | IP1553_INT_MASK_ITR | IP1553_INT_MASK_TVR | IP1553_INT_MASK_DBR | IP1553_INT_MASK_STR | IP1553_INT_MASK_TSR | IP1553_INT_MASK_OSR | IP1553_INT_MASK_SDR | IP1553_INT_MASK_SWD | IP1553_INT_MASK_RRT | IP1553_INT_MASK_ITF | IP1553_INT_MASK_OTF | IP1553_INT_MASK_IPB);