4.1.2 Interrupt-driven Driver

A short description of each file in the interrupt-driven driver is shown in the table below.

Table 4-2. Interrupt Driver Files
main.cCode example for the interrupt-driven driver
OWIInterruptDriven.hConfiguration header file for the interrupt-driven driver
OWIIntFunctions.cImplementation of the interrupt-handlers and helper functions
OWIIntFunctions.hHeader file for OWIIntFunctions.c
To get started with the interrupt-driven driver, follow the steps below:
  • Open the Atmel Studio 7 project or IAR project. (After downloading .atzip from Atmel START and importing in Atmel Studio 7 or IAR.)
  • Open the file OWIInterruptDriven.h for editing and locate the section named “User defines”
  • Change the defines in the “User defines” section to reflect the hardware setup
  • The project is now ready to be compiled
  • Open drain circuit needs to be connected at TXD and RXD pins as shown in the figure Open Drain Circuit