2.2 Curiosity Nano Getting Started Videos

Short 1 to 2-minute videos are available covering the following topics related to Curiosity Nano. For more information, see the playlist links below.

Getting Started with CNano (MPLAB Tools)

  1. PIC® and AVR® Examples on GitHub.
  2. MPLAB Code Configurator.
  3. MPLAB Data Visualizer.
  4. Curiosity Nano: Interface Overview and Special Commands.

Getting Started with CNano (START/Studio)

  1. Microchip Studio Hands-on and Video Training.
  2. START Entry Points and Key Training Resources.
  3. Running a START Example Project in Microchip Studio.
  4. Using the MPLAB Data Visualizer.
  5. Modifying START Examples in Microchip Studio.
  6. Curiosity Nano: Interface Overview and Special Commands.